A curated list of things related to python-based HTML generation.
This section is written assuming you "use HTML for web development."
Why use Python to generate HTML...
- You lose type hints, editor support, auto-completion, and all the good stuff in Python when you use template engines.
- You create more files (HTML templates) and have to manage them. (You also might have to deal with the file system to manage overrides and such.)
- It's pythonic, a familiar syntax, and you can use all the Python features.
- lxml/lxml: The lxml XML toolkit for Python
- pyxl4/pyxl4: Extend Python syntax with HTML.
- dropbox/pyxl: A Python extension for writing structured and reusable inline HTML.
- srittau/python-htmlgen: Python HTML 5 Generator
- ejplatform/hyperpython: A small DSL to write HTML in Python.
- nosamanuel/cottonmouth: Pure-Python HTML generation
- rohitgirdhar/PyHTMLWriter: HTML Writer in Python
- Unviray/pyplater: Build html component with python
- Michael-F-Ellis/htmltree: Generalized nested html element tree with recursive rendering
- quokkaproject/flask-htmlbuilder: Builds HTML from Python (recovered from local installation since original was deleted)
- pcarbonn/fast_html: Generate HTML conveniently and efficiently in Python
- Strovsk/pytagtree: Create markup tag trees using python code with component like structure
- vchan/hyperscript: HyperText with Python
- niklasf/python-tinyhtml: A tiny library to safely render compact HTML5 from Python expressions.
- ClimenteA/htmgem: Generate HTML with Python.
- cenkalti/pyhtml: HTML generation library for Python
- tvst/htbuilder: A purely-functional HTML builder for Python. Think JSX rather than templates.
- leforestier/yattag: Python library to generate HTML or XML in a readable, concise and pythonic way.
- Parnassius/domify: HTML generator using pure Python
- LiftoffSoftware/htmltag: A Python (2 and 3) module for wrapping whatever strings you want in HTML tags.
- tylerbakke/MarkupPy: MarkupPy - An HTML/XML generator
- apiad/auditorium: An HTML+CSS+JS generator from pure Python code
- skitschy/pyHTML5builder
- basxsoftwareassociation/htmlgenerator: TL;DR DOM on the server-side
- ctoscano/SliqueHTML: Python library that lets you create HTML using DOM-like objects.
- CheeseCake87/pyhead: The Python HTML
filler. - mosquito/tagz: tagz is a html tags builder
- Knio/dominate: Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API. It allows you to write HTML pages in pure Python very concisely, which eliminate the need to learn another template language, and to take advantage of the more powerful features of Python.
- Hrabal/TemPy: Python Object Oriented Html Templating System
- bitplorer/uidom: Blade like HTML Library for Python
- tlonny/pdoo: PDOO (Python DOM Orchestrator) is a library for generating styled HTML documents in pure python
- MohammadrezaAmani/INUI: Powerful and Highly Customizable Python Library for UI
- sanic-org/html5tagger: Create HTML documents from Python
- frodo821/Rattlepy: A easy-to-use pure python HTML template engine
- mdamien/lys: 🌺 Simple HTML templating for Python
- rorre/liku: Python HTML templating, inspired by modern Web Development.
- scrussell24/hype-html: A minimal python dsl for generating html
- BrainStormYourWayIn/sierra: A Python implementation of DOM
- quadrant-newmedia/html_generators: Functional, streaming HTML generation
- keithasaurus/simple_html: fast, templateless html generation
- jpsca/jinjax-ui: Headless JinjaX UI components
- volfpeter/markyp: Python 3 tools for creating markup documents.
- volfpeter/markyp-html: HTML element implementations based on markyp
- volfpeter/markyp-bootstrap4: Create Bootstrap 4 web pages using purely Python.
- butvinm/markpy: Embedding tree markup syntax (XML) into Python.
- doctorOb/dompy: Javascript DOM objects in python. Parse html like you would in the browser.
- Anikeshpatel/dompy: JavaScript Dom Api for Python, Html Parser and a Web scraping tool in python
- SimonSapin/html5ever-python: Python bindings for html5ever, using CFFI
- timothycrosley/thedom: A python framework to generate html and JavaScript from reusable and combine-able widgets.
- takd4com/dominter: dominter.py is a simple GUI (Graphical User Interface) package for small web application.
- miyakogi/wdom: Web technology based GUI library for desktop applications
- lxndrdagreat/phlex: Simple, flexible static HTML builder written in Python
- MassiminoilTrace/PythonBoostrapWebBuilder: Helper class to generate simple html pages using bootstrap. I created this to avoid writing even little html by hand
- mwd1993/QuykHtml: A python library that allows you to quickly and easily generate HTML templates and even create full-on websites.
- byteface/domonic: Create HTML with python 3 using a standard DOM API. Includes a python port of JavaScript for interoperability and tons of other cool features. A fast prototyping library.
- codelv/enaml-web: Build interactive websites with enaml
- marcuwynu23/JS-templater-python: Flask Library/Tool to use pure DOM javascript render with view Engine
- wangxl1998/Python-HTML-Parser: Simple HTML DOM Parser written in python
- maxpert/htmxido: HTMX generation in Python 3 using DSL
- m-housh/bootstrap_wrapper: A work in progress, a python library(almost) that uses dominate and adds bootstrap capabilities.
- jaimevp54/htmlBuilder: A beautiful html builder built with python.
- paveldedik/ludic: 🌳 Lightweight framework for building dynamic HTML pages in pure Python.
- wtforms/wtforms: A flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python.
- boardpack/reforms: Reforms is a fresh pydantic-based forms validation and rendering library for Python 3.6+.
- Pylons/deform: A Python HTML form library.
- BlitzJB/blitz-forms: python library to programmatically generate html forms.
If you are into these kinda stuff, check out these projects:
- PyHAT-stack/awesome-python-htmx: A curated list of things related to python-based web development using htmx
- liveviews/liveviews: Phoenix LiveView workalikes for different languages and frameworks
- metaperl/pure-python-web-development: Avoid the CSS/JS/HTML soup - develop web apps entirely in Python
- css-generator · PyPI
- pydantic/FastUI: