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⚪ SimplerLLM (Beta)

⚡ Your Easy Pass to Advanced AI ⚡

License: MIT Join the Discord chat!

🤔 What is SimplerLLM?

SimplerLLM is an open-source Python library designed to simplify interactions with Large Language Models (LLMs) for researchers and beginners. It offers a unified interface for different LLM providers and a suite of tools to enhance language model capabilities and make it Super easy for anyone to develop AI-powered tools and apps.

Easy Installation

With pip:

pip install simplerllm


  • Unified LLM Interface: Define an LLM instance in one line for providers like OpenAI and Google Gemini. Future versions will support more APIs and LLM providers.
  • Generic Text Loader: Load text from various sources like DOCX, PDF, TXT files, YouTube scripts, or blog posts.
  • RapidAPI Connector: Connect with AI services on RapidAPI.
  • SERP Integration: Perform searches using DuckDuckGo, with more search engines coming soon.
  • Prompt Template Builder: Easily create and manage prompt templates. And Much More Coming Soon!

Setting Up Environment Variables

To use this library, you need to set several API keys in your environment. Start by creating a .env file in the root directory of your project and adding your API keys there.

🔴 This file should be kept private and not committed to version control to protect your keys.

Here is an example of what your .env file should look like:

RAPIDAPI_API_KEY="your_rapidapi_key_here" # for accessing APIs on RapidAPI
VALUE_SERP_API_KEY="your_value_serp_api_key_here" #for Google search
SERPER_API_KEY="your_serper_api_key_here" #for Google search
STABILITY_API_KEY="your_stability_api_key_here" #for image generation

Creating an LLM Instance

from SimplerLLM.language.llm import LLM, LLMProvider

# For OpenAI
llm_instance = LLM.create(provider=LLMProvider.OPENAI, model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo")

# For Google Gemini
#llm_instance = LLM.create(provider=LLMProvider.GEMINI,model_name="gemini-pro")

# For Anthropic Claude 
#llm_instance = LLM.create(LLMProvider.ANTHROPIC, model_name="claude-3-opus-20240229")

response = llm_instance.generate_response(prompt="generate a 5 words sentence")

Using Tools


from import search_with_serper_api

search_results = search_with_serper_api("your search query", num_results=3)

# use the search results the way you want!

Generic Text Loader

from import load_content

text_file = load_content("file.txt")


Calling any RapidAPI API

from import RapidAPIClient

api_url = ""
api_params = {
    'domain': '',

api_client = RapidAPIClient()  # API key read from environment variable
response = api_client.call_api(api_url, method='GET', params=api_params)

Prompt Template Builder

from SimplerLLM.prompts.prompt_builder import create_multi_value_prompts,create_prompt_template

basic_prompt = "Generate 5 titles for a blog about {topic} and {style}"

prompt_template = pr.create_prompt_template(basic_prompt)

prompt_template.assign_parms(topic = "marketing",style = "catchy")


## working with multiple value prompts
multi_value_prompt_template = """Hello {name}, your next meeting is on {date}.
 and bring a {object} wit you"""

params_list = [
     {"name": "Alice", "date": "January 10th", "object" : "dog"},
     {"name": "Bob", "date": "January 12th", "object" : "bag"},
     {"name": "Charlie", "date": "January 15th", "object" : "pen"}

multi_value_prompt = create_multi_value_prompts(multi_value_prompt_template)
generated_prompts = multi_value_prompt.generate_prompts(params_list)


Chunking Functions

We have introduced new functions to help you split texts into manageable chunks based on different criteria. These functions are part of the chunker tool.


This function splits text into chunks with a maximum size, optionally preserving sentence structure.


This function splits the text into chunks based on sentences.


This function splits text into chunks based on paragraphs.


This functions splits text into chunks based on semantics.


from import text_chunker as chunker

blog_url = ""
blog_post = loader.load_content(blog_url)

text = blog_post.content

chunks = chunker.chunk_by_max_chunk_size(text, 100, True)

Next Updates

  • Adding More Tools
  • Interacting With Local LLMs
  • Prompt Optimization
  • Response Evaluation
  • GPT Trainer
  • Document Chunker
  • Advanced Document Loader
  • Integration With More Providers
  • Simple RAG With SimplerVectors
  • Integration with Vector Databases
  • Agent Builder
  • LLM Server