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Tutorial 1: Play a video of the session

William Chapman edited this page Jul 16, 2014 · 1 revision

This is provided as a simple introduction to accessing the fields of a Session object. Once you load your object and rename it as root, understand and execute the lines below:

% Plays a video of the trajectory
root.cel = root.cells(1,:); % watch the first cell
speed = 10; % play back at 10X
lookBack = 20;  % trail 20 seconds

% Fix the position and headdir to make sense
root = root.FixDir;
root = root.FixPos;

pauseTime = (1/root.fs_video);  % how long between each frame
stepSize = speed;

x = root.x; y= root.y; t = root.ts; hd = CMBHOME.Utils.ContinuizeEpochs(root.headdir);

cx = CMBHOME.Utils.ContinuizeEpochs(root.cel_x);    % Get all x positions at firing
cy = CMBHOME.Utils.ContinuizeEpochs(root.cel_y);    % Get all y positions at firing
ci = CMBHOME.Utils.ContinuizeEpochs(root.cel_i);    % Get all indices of firing
f1=figure('Position',[200 200 1024 800]);

lookBack = ceil(lookBack*root.fs_video);

%% Loop:
for i = stepSize+1:stepSize:length(t)
    % figure setup
    figure(f1);cla;hold on
    inds = max([i-lookBack, 1]):i;
    cinds = (ci<=i) & (ci>=inds(1));
    if ~isempty(inds) 
        plot(cx(cinds),cy(cinds),'o','MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0],'MarkerEdgeColor',[0 0 0]);    
    % render
    xlim([min(root.x) max(root.x)]);ylim([min(root.y) max(root.y)])
    spks = numel(intersect((i-stepSize):i,ci))>0;
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