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Tutorial: Using an Extension

William Chapman edited this page Jul 21, 2016 · 4 revisions


This tutorial runs through the methods used to generate analyses and figures used in Hinman et al 2016 Please note that the tutorial below requires the corresponding CMBHOME extension, which can be cloned from

We assume a CMBHOME.Session object is loaded in the workspace as root, and has root.cel and root.active_lfp set.

Firing Rate Modulation

The firing rate of the neuron as a function of running speed was created using three different methods.

1. Binned Velocity

This is the "traditional" method of determining the speed modulation of a neuron, and is done by taking the speed at each spike time, binning into 1cm/s speed bins, and dividing the number of spikes by the total amount of time spent in that speed bin. This is implemented as SpeedMod.

[f_cell, vel_dim] = SpeedMod.BinnedVelocityFR(root);

We now see the average firing rate in each of the velocity bins. If the extension weren't available then you could rewrite the binned velocity:

function [f_cell, vel_dim] = BinnedVelocityFR(root, vel_dim, plotit)
% Calculates the rate of firing for cell cel, for bins of running speed.
% If vel_dim is specified, bin edges of running speed are vel_dim
% If vel_dim is not specified, bin edges of running speed are [0 max_vel]
% in increments of 1 cm sec^-1.
% Remember that root.spatial_scale sets cm/pixel.
% If multiple epochs are set in root.epoch, then all data from each epoch
% are concatinated and analysed as continuous
% root.epoch needs to be 1x2 vector
%[F, V] = root.VelocityRate(cel, vel_dim)

if ~exist('vel_dim', 'var')
    vel_dim = 0:root.spatial_scale^-1:prctile(CMBHOME.Utils.ContinuizeEpochs(root.vel),95);
if ~exist('plotit','var')

if isempty(root.b_vel), disp('Warning, no user specified velocity assigned. The simple derivative thus used may not be optimal for this analysis'); end

import CMBHOME.Utils.*
root = MergeEpochs(root);
[vel, spk_vel] = ContinuizeEpochs(root.vel, root.cel_vel); % get running speed at spikes
tao_v = histc(vel, vel_dim) .* root.fs_video^-1; % time spent in each bin of running speed
spikes_v = histc(spk_vel, vel_dim);% spikes in each bin of running speed
f_cell = spikes_v ./ tao_v;
vel_dim = vel_dim(:);

%% Fit Params
[y_m, R, P, b, y_int] = CMBHOME.Utils.LinearRegression(vel_dim,f_cell);

if plotit==1
     plot(vel_dim*root.spatial_scale, f_cell,'.');
     hold on
     xlabel('Running Speed (cm/s)');
     ylabel('Firing Rate (Hz)')

2. Instantaneous Firing Rate

This method is based on the Kropff et al 2015 paper (, where the lab calculated an "instantaneous firing rate" by smoothing delta functions at the spike times. This is implemented in SpeedMod.

[R, root, frFilt] = SpeedMod.InstFR(root, 1);

Again, walking through the code in the extension:

function [R, root, frFilt] = InstFR(root, ifPlot)
    % Speed Cell regression as in Kropff 2015
    % [R, root, frFilt] = SpeedMod.InstFR(root, ifPlot)
    if ~exist('ifPlot','var')
        ifPlot = 0;

    %% Instantaneous firing rate
    root.epoch = [-inf inf];
    fr = zeros(size(root.x));
    temp = root.spike(root.cel(1), root.cel(2)).i;
    tt = unique(temp);
    for i = 1:length(tt)
        fr(tt(i)) = sum(temp == tt(i));

    sigma = 33/(1000/(root.fs_video));
    ssize = floor(10*sigma);
    x = linspace(-ssize / 2, ssize / 2, ssize);
    gaussFilter = exp(-x .^ 2 / (2 * sigma ^ 2));
    gaussFilter = gaussFilter / sum (gaussFilter); % normalize
    frFilt = conv (fr, gaussFilter, 'same');
    frFilt = frFilt * root.fs_video;
    root.b_myvar = frFilt;

    R = corr(root.vel, root.myvar);

    if ifPlot == 1
        vd = (0:5:30)/root.spatial_scale;
        sp = [0, prctile(root.vel, 95)];
        [y_m, R, P, b, y_int] = CMBHOME.Utils.LinearRegression(root.vel, root.myvar);
        ym = sp * b + y_int;
        plot([0 30], [0 30]*(b/root.spatial_scale)+y_int)
        hold on
        [~,wb] = histc(root.vel, vd);
        for k = 1:max(wb)
            mv(k) = mean(root.myvar(wb==k));
        plot(vd(1:end-1)*root.spatial_scale, mv,'ko','MarkerFaceColor','r')
        xlabel('Running Speed (cm/s)');
        ylabel('Instantaneous Firing Rate (Hz)')


3. Poisson Firing Rate

[ stats ] = SpeedMod.PoissonFR(root, 1);


A rather good example usage of this lives on its home (, so we ignore it here, especially as the internals do not make use of the CMBHOME Toolbox.

Theta Phase Locking

Finally, we analyzed spiking phase (relative to theta band of the local field potential) as a function of running speed. Because the @LFP structure aligns to the behavioral data (@Session) this is easy to implement:

vel_dim = (0:5:50);
[~,wb] = histc(CMBHOME.Utils.ContinuizeEpochs(root.vel), vel_dim);
root.epoch = [-inf inf];
oe = root.epoch;
prefered=NaN(length(vel_dim)-1,1); erv = prefered; prefered_mrl=prefered;

for i = 1:(length(vel_dim)-1)
    root.epoch = oe;
    root = root.RunningEpochs(vel_dim(i), vel_dim(i+1), 1);
    tp = CMBHOME.Utils.ContinuizeEpochs(root.cel_thetaphase);
    prefered(i) = wrapToPi(CMBHOME.Utils.circ.circ_mean(tp));
    erv(i) = CMBHOME.Utils.circ.circ_std(tp);
    prefered_mrl(i) = CMBHOME.Utils.circ.circ_r(tp);

% linear fit
vdm = mean([vel_dim' [vel_dim(2:end)';NaN]],2); vdm=vdm(1:end-1);
[x,phi,a,phi_knot,rho_c,p] = CMBHOME.Utils.corrC2L(vdm,prefered);

% plotting
hold on
axis([0 max(vel_dim) 0 2*pi])
xlabel('Velocity (cm/s)')
ylabel('Thetaphase @ cellSpike')

As a sidenote and general tutorial, if you were interested in an LFP property that's not inherently part of the toolbox (ie; some other frequency band), you can still have the toolbox do the dirty alignment work:

% Create your property, in this case just a random signal of same sampling frequency as LFP
myvar = rand(size(root.b_lfp(root.active_lfp).ts);
% Assign as lfp.myvar:
root.b_lfp(root.active_lfp).b_mybar = myvar;

% Use spike.i
cel_inds = root.spike(root.cel(1),root.cel(2)).i_lfp{1};
cel_lfpmyvar = root.b_lfp.myvar(cel_inds);
plot(root.cel_vel{1}, cel_lfpmyvar{1});