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A match clock which counts down during halftime and overtime breaks, also counts down if the match hasn't started yet.


<hattrick-match-clock matchdate="2018-08-01 12:00:00"></hattrick-match-clock>
<hattrick-match-clock matchdate="1533117600000"></hattrick-match-clock>
const matchdate = new Date("2018-08-01 12:00:00")
const timer = document.createElement("hattrick-match-clock");
timer.matchdate = matchdate; // as date
timer.matchdate = matchdate.toISOString(); // as string
timer.matchdate = matchdate.getTime(); // as number
timer.matchdate = matchdate.getTime().toString(); // as numberic string

CSS variables

This component doesn't have any CSS variables


Property Attribute Description Type Default
addedMinutes added-minutes How many minutes of added time the match has. number 0
countUpFormat count-up-format Format of the timer. Defaults to MM:SS, an alternative might include M'. string "MM:SS"
finishedDate finished-date At what time the timer should stop. If not set, it will continue forever. If paused, the finishedDate will be pushed forward. Date | number | string undefined
halftimeBreak halftime-break How many minutes break does the match have between first and second half. number 15
ignoreBreaks ignore-breaks If we should ignore halftime and overtime breaks when calculating the time shown. Defaults to false. boolean false
matchdate matchdate At what time the match starts. Date | number | string undefined
overtimeBreak overtime-break How many minutes break does the match have before overtime starts. number 5
skipPauseTimers skip-pause-timers If true there's no halftime or overtime countdowns, it just shows 45/90 during the pause. boolean false
speed speed How fast the clock should tick. Defaults to 1. 2 means twice as fast. number 1
texts -- Various strings for localizing. Days, hours, minutes and seconds are used pre-match. Halftime, overtimeBreak and overtime post match. IClockTexts {} as any


pause() => Promise<void>


Type: Promise<void>

resume() => Promise<void>


Type: Promise<void>

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