These are queries which are used to generate NEEMs. The purpose of this document is to provide some overview of how these queries work, and what needs to be logged in order to provide a good NEEM.
This is the docs for the following neem-interface version:
The following parameters have to be set in order to enable logging:
neem_interface = neem_interface_python.neem_interface.NEEMInterface()
task_type = "BreakfastDemo"
env_owl = "package://iai_apartment/owl/iai-apartment.owl"
env_owl_ind_name = "" # ind = individual
env_urdf = "package://iai_apartment/urdf/apartment.urdf"
env_urdf_prefix = "iai_apartment/"
agent_owl = "package://knowrob/owl/robots/PR2.owl"
agent_owl_ind_name = ""
agent_urdf = "package://knowrob/urdf/pr2.urdf"
neem_output_path = "/home/ahawkin/ros_ws/neems_library/BreakfastDemo"
start_time = None
ToDo: these parameters might need some explanation. E.g. can the task_type be set arbitrary or does it correspond to a SOMA-Task? How does one find out the env_owl_ind_name and what does it correspond to? Is it the root link? Same for the Agent.
This snippet describes the order in which the following functions need to be called in order to generate a NEEM
- mem_clear_memory
- mem_episode_start
- add_subaction_with_task (now includes mem_action_begin)
- belief_perceived_at (maybe move this somewhere else, will see)
- add_participant_with_role
- mem_action_end
- mem_action_set_failed /mem_action_set_succeeded
- mem_episode_stop
%TODO: Check how CRAM does it, likely called on launch
% this starts everything and describes the root action
% returns: An Action which is the root action of the entire NEEM -> so the high level plan Action
% start time is rostime
mem_episode_start(Action, TaskType, EnvOwl, EnvOwlIndiName, EnvUrdf, AgentOwl, AgentOwlIndiName, AgentUrdf)
mem_episode_start(Action, TaskType, EnvOwl, EnvOwlIndiName, EnvUrdf, AgentOwl, AgentOwlIndiName, AgentUrdf, StartTime)
% stops the recording and drops the NEEM at given path
mem_episode_stop(NeemPath, EndTime)
% set failed or succeeded after the action was completed and after mem_action_end was called
% TODO add the failure reason using fail roc ont
% Currently not used
mem_action_add_diagnosis(Situation, Diagnosis)
% ParentAction: the action one has received from mem_episode_start
% TaskType: soma:'Grasping' (ensure correct ontology reference. Can be Soma, can be dul, ...)
% returns: SubAction
% call this when the Action has started/is finished
% Call this after an object has been perceived
% Mesh is mesh path with rospath
% ObjectType: soma/dul/suturo:'ObjectType'
% Positon [1,2,3]
% Rotation [0,0,0,1]
% Return: Object
% TODO add tf frame/link
belief_perceived_at(ObjectType, Mesh, Position, Rotation, Object)
belief_perceived_at(ObjectType, Object)
% This is very important since with this we can link objects to their respective actions
% add a role which is sublac of DUL:Role (check Protege).
% Most used roles: Item, BeneficiaryRole, Query, Agent, Tool...
mem_add_participant_with_role(Action, Object, RoleType)
add_parameter(Task, ParameterType, RegionType, Parameter)
add_named_parameter(Task, ParameterType, ParameterName, RegionType, Parameter)
mem_tf_set(Object, Pose, Timestamp)
mem_tf_get(Object, Pose)
mem_tf_get(Object, Pose, Timestamp)