Perforce's p4
tool has no built-in support for its diff output.
So diffp4
is created to solve that problem.
PS. I'm not interested in solving this problem with P4DIFF
which might be able
to solve the problem.
sudo make install
If you use WSL, then you can do that via
cmd.exe /c make.bat
but you need to make sure you are in Visual Studio environment in order forcl.exe
to be picked up.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:haxpor/combined
sudo apt install diffp4
The program itself reads the input from the standard input. So you send input
either via |
(pipe), or reading from file.
p4 diff | diffp4 -t perforce
p4 diff -du | diffp4 -t perforce
p4 describe -S 1234567 | diffp4 -t perforce
diffp4 < /somedir/anotherdir/p4_diff.diff
p4 diff
with or without-du
p4 describe
MIT, Wasin Thonkaew