The vimrc file contains some vim plugins that are common to developers as well as specific ones for python and rust languages.
I tried to select the most popular plugins that have dependencies as few as possible. See the comments in _vimrc.legacy & _vimrc.modern for the details.
The vimrc works on MacOS, Linux and Windows.
For MacOS and Linux, clone it to ~/.vim and then copy _vimrc.* to ~/ and rename it to .vimrc.
For Windows, clone it to C:\Users\your_username\vimfiles and then copy _vimrc.* to C:\Users\your_username\ and rename it to _vimrc. Comment out line 17 and uncomment line 18 with your username changing in _vimrc.
At last, open the .vimrc or _vimrc with vim and run :PlugInstall