In your User
model add a authorAttributes
method that return some user attributes:
class User extends Authenticatable
* @return array
public function authorAttributes()
return [
'name' => $this->name,
'email' => $this->email,
'url' => $this->url, // optional
'avatar' => 'gravatar', // optional
By default the avatar is set to Gravatar, but you can return an image url.
<link href="{{ mix('comments.css', 'vendor/comments') }}" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="{{ mix('comments.js', 'vendor/comments') }}"></script>
Add a div
element with an id:
<div id="my-comments"></div>
Then add the JavaScript that loads the comments:
new Comments.default({
el: '#my-comments',
pageId: 'my-page-id'
The pageId
should be set to an unique identifier (integer or string) for each page.
If you have a "commentable model", like a page or post you can use:
new Comments.default({
el: '#my-comments',
commentableId: {{ Page::first()->id }},
commentableType: 'App.Page'
Where commentableId
is your model id and the commentableType
is your model class name.
Make sure you you have the Authentication configured so you can log in.
You need to define a gate to determine what users have access to the admin panel:
// app/providers/AuthServiceProvider.php
class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
* Determine if the current user can access the admin panel.
* @param User $user
* @return bool
\Gate::define('moderate-comments', function ($user) {
// Add your own logic here...
return (bool) $user->is_admin === true;
Now you can access the Admin Panel at /comments/admin