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This is the archived repository for the NovoLign pipeline, as described in:
"Kleikamp, Hugo BC, et al. "NovoLign: metaproteomics by sequence alignment." ISME communications 4.1 (2024): ycae121."
To see a more updated version, including command line usage, check out:

The pipeline was established and tested with shotgun proteomics and metaproteomics data obtained from different projectss. The measurments were performed using Orbitrap mass spectrometers, de novo sequence lists were generated using PEAKS Studio. The generation of accurate de novo peptide sequence lists depends on high quality peptide sequencing spectra. NovoLign has been tested and developed using the Anaconda Spyder environment. It is highly recommended to use Python package versions as specified in the "NovoLign_requirements_17032024" text file to ensure smooth operation of the pipeline. Newer versions may lead to inconsistent outcomes and unexpected errors.

What is NovoLign?

NovoLign is a tool for rapid annotation of de novo sequenced peptides from complete metaproteomics experiments uisng homology alignment. It uses DIAMOND for high-througput, error-tolerant annotation of de novo sequenced peptides. As de novo sequencing is independent of database composition, it provides an unbiased alternative to conventional database searching methods. By aligning de novo peptides to general databases such as UniRef100, NovoLign can find related peptide sequences, which can aid in construction of sample specific databases, database and experiment quality control, and asses the completeness of references databases.

Basic use

Setting up NovoLign

NovoLign is designed to interface with multiple commonly used reference databases, belonging to NCBI, UniprotKB or GTDB. Setup scripts are supplied in the folder Setup and can be run automatically with To setup protein databases for GTDB, utility scripts are supplied to download unzip and merge GTDB reference proteomes, and add taxonomies to fasta headers. For NCBI, a linearized taxonomy is constructed for specified taxonomic ranks using taxdump. scripts are supplied for database curation, such as euqating I and L, and removing ambiguous amino acids. Lastly, scripts are supplied for automated downloading of DIAMOND.

How does it work?

The NovoLign pipeline consists of 5 parts:

  1. DIAMOND alignment : Homology alignment is performed with parameters optimized for de novo sequencing errors.
  2. Lowest Common Ancestor analysis (LCA) : Different LCA algorithms are employed to maximize taxonomic specificity.
  3. Taxonomy report : Taxonomic quantification is performed with tabular and visual output.
  4. Spectral quality report : Optionally: An assessment of experiment quality control is performed based on de novo scores and annotation rates.
  5. Database coverage report : Optionally: to perform quality control on a reference database, outputs of de novo sequencing are compared against database searching outputs.

What does it do?

After determining the best-performing parameter combinations for the NovoLign pipeline using synthetic communities, we evaluated its general practicability by studying a range of pure reference strains, enrichment cultures, and complex microbial communities. In addition to determining microbial composition using de novo sequence alignment, we analyzed for all experiments the fraction of high-quality fragmentation spectra that were matched during database searching. This provides an measure for the unmatched fraction during database searching, and therefore, for the completeness of the reference sequence databases used for database searching. De novo sequence alignment of the unmatched spectra moreover determines whether there are any taxonomies that are not covered by the reference sequence database used for database searching. Finally, the pipeline enables to construct a de novo focused UniRef100 reference sequence databases from the taxonomic composition determined by sequence alignment.

Running NovoLign

  • NovoLign is designed as a single "tunable" python script.
  • NovoLign does not offer command line options, but parameters can be altered in the main script.

What input files does it use?

NovoLign is tested to work with .psm output formats from PEAKS de novo sequencing and DeepNovo. Any tabular or .txt-like format can be supplied, provided it contains a column of peptide sequences with the header Peptide. For each folder, the required files are identified with the following syntax:

  • de_novo_file=..\de novo *peptides.csv
  • database_searching_file=..\*psm.csv
  • fasta_database=..\*.fasta (used in database qc only)
  • taxa=..\*TaxIDs.txt (used in database qc only)

Examples of input files are supplied in the folder Input_p_yeast

What outputs does it generate?

NovoLign generates several output files divided over different folders.

Folder Section Contents
diamond_fasta 1 generated fasta file from input peptide sequences file for DIAMOND alignment
diamond_alignments 1 DIAMOND alignment
lca 2 different LCA outputs: conventional (CON) weighted (W), bitscore weighted (BIT)
composition 3 taxonomic composition of input sample (for different LCAs) including level of decoy matches
experiment_qc 4 comparison of spectral annotation rates of input sample by NovoLign and database searching, for spectra at different quality levels
database_qc 5 comparison of taxonomic composition of input sample obtained by NovoLign to taxonomic composition obtained by database searching
psms 5 Final PSMs format output with NovoLign annotation

Example output vizualisation for experiment quality control, which compares annotation rates for de novo sequenced PSMs at different de novo scores (ALC%) compared to database searching, and checks if the aligned peptide sequences are the same as the peptide sequences found in database searching.


Example output vizualisation for database quality control, which compares the taxonomic composition of PSMs found exclusively in de novo sequencing (DN_only), all de novo PSMs (DN_all), all database searching PSMs (DB_all) and all PSMs unique to low scoring database searching hits (DBLQ_only).


Parameter options

Parameters can be freely changed within the main script. There are several parameters that can be changed to include more stringent filtering for de novo peptides.

Path parameters specify which databases should be used.

Parameter Default value Description
input_files ..\NovoLign\Input_ Location of input folder
diamond_path ..\NovoLign\Setup\diamond\diamond.exe Location of DIAMOND executable
diamond_folder ..\NovoLign\Setup\diamond\ Location of DIAMOND folder
Temporary_directory ..\NovoLign\ Folder for writing temporary DIAMOND indices
ncbi_taxonomy_path ..\NovoLign\Setup\ncbi_taxonomy\parsed_ncbi_taxonomy.tsv Location of linear NCBI taxonomy
fasta_database_path Location of database fasta file
diamond_database_path Location of database dmnd file

Other parameters specify cutoffs for de novo score, alignment score and taxon frequency, as how use NovoLign to perform database construction.
Parameter Default value Description
min_ALC_score 70 numeric, minimum required ALC score (for PEAKS de novo files), ensures that only high quality sequences are aligned
bit 25 numeric, minimum bitscore of alignments, which are further processed for determining taxonomic composition
freq_cut 5 or 15 numeric, minimum taxon (or lineage) reporting frequency threshold for reporting microbial composition and DB creation. The higher value 15 will remove very low abundant taxonomies from the composition report
Write_to_database "Proteins" do not make a database(False), use aligned proteins ("Proteins") use aligned taxids("Taxids").
DB_rank "genus" rank specificity ("OX" "species" "genus" or "family") if "Taxids" is used for Write_to_database


The pipeline is licensed with standard MIT-license.
If you would like to use this pipeline in your research, please cite the following papers:

  • Kleikamp, Hugo BC, et al. "NovoLign: metaproteomics by sequence alignment." ISME communications 4.1 (2024): ycae121..

  • Kleikamp, Hugo BC, et al. "Database-independent de novo metaproteomics of complex microbial communities." Cell Systems 12.5 (2021): 375-383.

  • Buchfink, Benjamin, Chao Xie, and Daniel H. Huson. "Fast and sensitive protein alignment using DIAMOND." Nature methods 12.1 (2015): 59-60.


-Hugo Kleimamp (Developer):
-Martin Pabst (Co-Developer):

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