Multi-fluid solver for collisional plasma simulation in a full electromagnetic interaction inside an Hall-Thurster engine
Solver for Euler set of equations for collisional ions and electrons in their full EM interaction. Electrons and ions are hence solved without viscous dissipation closure term, each by means of momentum equations. Electric source term is then computed thourgh solution of Possion equation, whereas magnetic filed is constant and imposed.
This software uses the LIS library for iterative methods for linear system. Downlaod and install the LIS library ( in the pdf file it is explained what to do. The configure that worked for me it is the following:
$ ./configure --enable-f90 --enable-quad --enable-longdouble --enable-shared --enable-gprof --prefix=/path/to/your/code/folder
after running
$ make install
you may also run
$ libtool --finish /path/to/your/local/lib/lib
Euler system has 4 equations:
rho --- density
rho ux --- x-momentum
rho uy --- y-momentum
rho E --- total energy
All coupled with resolution of electric field through the Possion equation for electrostatic potential
The solution U has dimension U(N_EQ, N_cells), and includes the two ghost cells (GC). Numbering of cells and interfaces is as follows:
cell1 int1 cell2 int2 cell3 int3 intN cellN
----(GC_1)------|------(C)------|------(C)-----|--- (...) ---|------(GC_N)----
x_min x_max
N_cells = total number of cells N_cells - 2 = number of physical cells N_int = N_cells - 1 = number of interfaces
First and last interfaces coincide with the limits of the domain, x_min, x_max
There is also the possibility to run simulation using a non-uniform grid (Chebyshev's grid points)