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This is the code accompanying the paper

Semantic Image Manipulation Using Scene Graphs | arxiv
Helisa Dhamo*, Azade Farshad*, Iro Laina, Nassir Navab, Gregory D. Hager, Federico Tombari, Christian Rupprecht
CVPR 2020

The work for this paper was done at the Technical University of Munich.

In our work, we address the novel problem of image manipulation from scene graphs, in which a user can edit images by merely applying changes in the nodes or edges of a semantic graph that is generated from the image.

We introduce a spatio-semantic scene graph network that does not require direct supervision for constellation changes or image edits. This makes it possible to train the system from existing real-world datasets with no additional annotation effort.

If you find this code useful in your research, please cite

  title={Semantic Image Manipulation Using Scene Graphs},
  author={Dhamo, Helisa and Farshad, Azade, and Laina, Iro and Navab, Nassir and
          Hager, Gregory D., and Tombari, Federico and Rupprecht, Christian},

Note: The project page has been updated with new links for model checkpoints and data.


We have tested it on Ubuntu 16.04 with Python 3.7 and PyTorch 1.2.

Setup code

You can setup a conda environment to run the code like this:

# clone this repository and move there
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd simsg
# create a conda environment and install the requirments
conda create --name simsg_env python=3.7 --file requirements.txt 
conda activate simsg_env          # activate virtual environment
# install pytorch and cuda version as tested in our work
conda install pytorch==1.2.0 torchvision==0.4.0 cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
# more installations
pip install opencv-python tensorboardx grave addict
# to add current directory to python path run
echo $PWD > <path_to_env>/lib/python3.7/site-packages/simsg.pth 

path_to_env can be found using which python (the resulting path minus /bin/python) while the conda env is active.

Setup Visual Genome data

(instructions from the sg2im repository)

Run the following script to download and unpack the relevant parts of the Visual Genome dataset:

bash scripts/

This will create the directory datasets/vg and will download about 15 GB of data to this directory; after unpacking it will take about 30 GB of disk space.

After downloading the Visual Genome dataset, we need to preprocess it. This will split the data into train / val / test splits, consolidate all scene graphs into HDF5 files, and apply several heuristics to clean the data. In particular we ignore images that are too small, and only consider object and attribute categories that appear some number of times in the training set; we also ignore objects that are too small, and set minimum and maximum values on the number of objects and relationships that appear per image.

python scripts/

This will create files train.h5, val.h5, test.h5, and vocab.json in the directory datasets/vg.


To train the model, you can either set the right options in a args.yaml file and then run the script (highly recommended):

python scripts/ args.yaml

Or, alternatively run the script with the respective arguments. For example:

python scripts/ --checkpoint_name myckpt --dataset vg --spade_blocks True

We provide the configuration files for the experiments presented in the paper, represented in the format args_{resolution}_{decoder}_{dataset}.yaml.

Please set the dataset path DATA_DIR in before running.

Most relevant arguments:

--checkpoint_name: Base filename for saved checkpoints; default is 'checkpoint', so the filename for the checkpoint with model parameters will be ''
--selective_discr_obj: If True, only apply the object discriminator in the reconstructed RoIs (masked image areas).
--feats_in_gcn: If True, feed the RoI visual features in the scene graph network (SGN).
--feats_out_gcn: If True, concatenate RoI visual features with the node feature (result of SGN).
--is_baseline: If True, run cond-sg2im baseline.
--is_supervised: If True, run fully-supervised baseline for CLEVR.
--spade_gen_blocks: If True, use SPADE blocks in the decoder architecture. Otherwise, use CRN blocks.

Evaluate reconstruction

To evaluate the model in reconstruction mode, you need to run the script The MAE, SSIM and LPIPS will be printed on the terminal with frequency --print_every and saved on pickle files with frequency --save_every. When --save_images is set to True, the code also saves one reconstructed sample per image, which can be used for the computation of FID and Inception score.

Other relevant arguments are:

--exp_dir: path to folder where all experiments are saved
--experiment: name of experiment, e.g. spade_vg_64
--checkpoint: checkpoint path
--with_feats: (bool) using RoI visual features
--generative: (bool) fully-generative mode, i.e. the whole input image is masked out

If --checkpoint is not specified, the checkpoint path is automatically set to <exp_dir>/<experiment>

To reproduce the results from Table 2, please run:

  1. for the fully generative task:
python scripts/ --exp_dir /path/to/experiment/dir --experiment spade --with_feats True 
--generative True
  1. for the RoI reconstruction with visual features:
python scripts/ --exp_dir /path/to/experiment/dir --experiment spade --with_feats True 
--generative False
  1. for the RoI reconstruction without visual features:
python scripts/ --exp_dir /path/to/experiment/dir --experiment spade --with_feats False 
--generative False

To evaluate the model with ground truth (GT) and predicted (PRED) scene graphs, please set --predgraphs namely to False or True. Before running with predicted graphs (PRED), make sure you have downloaded the respective predicted graphs test_predgraphs.h5 and placed it at the same directory as test.h5.

Please set the dataset path DATA_DIR before running.

For the LPIPS computation, we use PerceptualSimilarity cloned from the official repo as a git submodule. If you did not clone our repository recursively, run:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Evaluate changes on Visual Genome

To evaluate the model in semantic editing mode on Visual Genome, you need to run the script . The script automatically generates edited images, without a user interface.

The most relevant arguments are:

--exp_dir: path to folder where all experiments are saved
--experiment: name of experiment, e.g. spade_vg_64
--checkpoint: checkpoint path
--mode: choose from options ['replace', 'reposition', 'remove', 'auto_withfeats', 'auto_nofeats'], for namely object replacement, relationship change, object removal, RoI reconstruction with visual features, RoI reconstruction without features.
--with_query_image: (bool) in case you want to use visual features from another image (query image). used in combination with mode='auto_nofeats'.

If --checkpoint is not specified, the checkpoint path is automatically set to <exp_dir>/<experiment>

Example run of object replacement changes using the spade model:

python scripts/ --exp_dir /path/to/experiment/dir --experiment spade --mode replace

Please set the dataset path VG_DIR before running.

Evaluate changes on CLEVR

To evaluate the model in semantic editing mode on CLEVR, you need to run the script The script automatically generates edited images, without a user interface.

The most relevant arguments are:

--exp_dir: path to folder where all experiments are saved
--experiment: name of experiment, e.g. spade_clevr_64
--checkpoint: checkpoint path
--image_size: size of the input image, can be (64,64) or (128,128) based on the size used in training

If --checkpoint is not specified, the checkpoint path is automatically set to <exp_dir>/<experiment>

Example run of object replacement changes using the spade model:

python scripts/ --exp_dir /path/to/experiment/dir --experiment spade

Please set the dataset path CLEVR_DIR before running.

User Interface

To run a simple user interface that supports different manipulation types, such as object addition, removal, replacement and relationship change run:

python scripts/ 

Relevant options:

--checkpoint: path to checkpoint file
--dataset: visual genome or clevr
--predgraphs:(bool) specifies loading either ground truth or predicted graphs. So far, predicted graphs are only available for visual genome.
--data_h5: path of h5 file used to load a certain data split. If not excplicitly set, it uses test.h5 for GT graphs and test_predgraphs.h5 for predicted graphs.
--update_input: (bool) used to control a sequence of changes in the same image. If True, it sets the input as the output of the previous generation. Otherwise, all consecutive changes are applied on the original image. Please set the value of DATA_DIR in to point to your dataset.

Once you click on "Load image" and "Get graph" a new image and corresponding scene graph will appear. The current implementation loads GT or predicted graph. Then you can apply one of the following manipulations:

  • For object replacement or relationship change:
    1. Select the node you want to change
    2. Choose a new category from namely the "Replace object" and "Change Relationship" menu.
  • For object addition:
    1. Choose a node where you want to connect the new object to (from "Connect to object")
    2. Select the category of the new object and relationship ("Add new node", "Add relationship").
    3. Specify the direction of the connection. Click on "Add as subject" for a new_node -> predicate -> existing_node direction, and click "Add as object" for existing_node -> predicate -> new_node.
  • For object removal:
    1. Select the node you want to remove
    2. Click on "Remove node"
      Note that the current implementation only supports object removal (cannot remove relationships); though the model supports this and the GUI implementation can be extended accordingly.

After you have completed the change, click on "Generate image". Alternatively you can save the image.


Visit the project page to download model checkpoints, predicted scene graphs and the CLEVR data with edit pairs.

We also provide the code used to generate the CLEVR data with change pairs. Please follow the instructions from here.


This code is based on the sg2im repository .

The following directory is taken from the SPADE repository:

  • simsg/SPADE/