This repo contains a collection of tools and examples about the GitOps operation mode, mostly based on Kubernetes. It is separated on two categories: Infrastructure and Services
In the infra directory are infrastructure as code (IaC) setups to repeatedly create consistent compute resources. It includes:
- hcloud Packer Script for Talos
- hcloud Packer Script for generic operating systems
- hcloud Terraform/OpenTofu declarations for fully day2 managed Talos via node groups
- hcloud Terraform/OpenTofu declarations for generic operating systems via node groups
In the k8s-apps and k8s-cluster-hcloud-critical directory are ArgoCD Applications and generic Kubernetes Manifests vor various Kubernetes based services. Including:
- argocd
- cert-manager
- external-dns-aws
- external-dns-azure
- external-dns-cloudflare
- external-secrets
- gitlab-agent
- grafana-flow-agent
- hcloud
- metrics
- nginx-ingress
- oauth2-proxy
- secret-store-csi
- tailscale
Either with only these resources (for Talos) or with the help of my hegerdes/ansible-playbooks one can create fully working and customizable Kubernetes setups that are reproducible and maintainable.