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Repository for <Lorentz-Equivariant Geometric Algebra Transformers for High-Energy Physics> (J. Spinner et al 2024)


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Lorentz-Equivariant Geometric Algebra Transformer

This repository contains the official implementation of the Lorentz-Equivariant Geometric Algebra Transformer by Jonas Spinner, Víctor Bresó, Pim de Haan, Tilman Plehn, Jesse Thaler, and Johann Brehmer.

1. Getting started

Clone the repository.

git clone

Create a virtual environment and install requirements

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

The datasets can be downloaded from the Heidelberg ITP website (amplitudes, toptagging, event-generation). hdf5 archives have to be unpacked into npy files for each key in the archive. The script lorentz-gatr/data/ can be used to download and unpack the data. Finally, keys in thedata section of the config files have to be adapted to specify where the datasets are located on your machine (data_path or data_dir depending on the experiment).

2. Running experiments

You can run any of our experiments with the following commands:

python -cn amplitudes model=gatr_amplitudes exp_name=amplitudes run_name=hello_world_amplitudes
python -cn toptagging model=gatr_toptagging exp_name=toptagging run_name=hello_world_toptagging
python -cn ttbar model=gatr_eventgen exp_name=eventgen run_name=hello_world_eventgen

We use hydra for configuration management, allowing to quickly override parameters in e.g. config/amplitudes.yaml. Further, we use mlflow for tracking. You can start a mlflow server based on the saved results in runs/tracking/mlflow.db on port 4242 of your machine with the following command, executed from a directory that contains the runs folder.

mlflow ui --port 4242 --backend-store-uri sqlite:///runs/tracking/mlflow.db

An existing run can be reloaded to perform additional tests with the trained model. For a previous run with exp_name=amplitudes and run_name=hello_world_amplitudes, one can run for example.

python -cn config -cp runs/amplitudes/hello_world_amplitudes train=false warm_start_idx=0

The warm_start_idx specifies which model in the models folder should be loaded and defaults to 0.

The default configuration files in the config folder define small models to allow quick test runs. If you want to reproduce the longer experiments in the paper, you can use the configuration files in config_paper.

3. Using L-GATr

To use L-GATr on your own problem, you will at least need two components from this repository: L-GATr networks, which act on multivector data, and interface functions that embed various geometric objects into this multivector representations.

Here is an example code snippet that illustrates the recipe:

from gatr import GATr, SelfAttentionConfig, MLPConfig
from gatr.interface import embed_vector, extract_scalar
import torch

class ExampleWrapper(torch.nn.Module):
    """Example wrapper around a L-GATr model.
    Expects input data that consists of a point cloud: one 4-momentum point for each item in the data.
    Returns outputs that consists of one scalar number for the whole dataset.
    blocks : int
        Number of transformer blocks
    hidden_mv_channels : int
        Number of hidden multivector channels
    hidden_s_channels : int
        Number of hidden scalar channels

    def __init__(self, blocks=10, hidden_mv_channels=16, hidden_s_channels=32):
        self.gatr = GATr(
            attention=SelfAttentionConfig(),  # Use default parameters for attention
            mlp=MLPConfig(),  # Use default parameters for MLP
    def forward(self, inputs):
        """Forward pass.
        inputs : torch.Tensor with shape (*batch_dimensions, num_points, 4)
            4-momentum point cloud input data
        outputs : torch.Tensor with shape (*batch_dimensions, 1)
            Model prediction: a single scalar for the whole point cloud.
        # Embed 4-momentum point cloud inputs in GA
        embedded_inputs = embed_vector(inputs).unsqueeze(-2)  # (..., num_points, 1, 16)
        # Pass data through GATr
        embedded_outputs, _ = self.gatr(embedded_inputs, scalars=None)  # (..., num_points, 1, 16)
        # Extract scalar outputs 
        outputs = extract_scalar(embedded_outputs)  # (..., 1)

        return outputs

In the following, we will go into more detail on the conventions used in this code base and the structure of the repository.

Design choices

Representations: L-GATr operates with two kind of representations: geometric algebra multivectors and auxiliary scalar representations. Both are simply represented as torch.Tensor instances.

The multivectors are based on the geometric algebra Cl(1, 3). They are tensors of the shape (..., 16), for instance (batchsize, items, channels, 16). The sixteen multivector components are sorted as in the clifford library, as follows: [x_scalars, x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, x_01, x_02, x_03, x_12, x_13, x_23, x_012, x_013, x_023, x_123, x_0123].

Scalar representations have free shapes, but should match the multivector representations they accompany in batchsize and number of items. The number of channels may be different.

Functions: We distinguish between primitives (functions) and layers (often stateful torch.nn.Module instances). Almost all primitives and layers are Pin(1, 3)-equivariant, see docstrings for exceptions.

Repository structure

└───config: configuration YAML files for the experiments, with small models and few iterations to quickly test the code
|   └───model: model configurations
|   └───classifier: classifier metric configuration (event generation experiment)
|   |   amplitudes.yaml: configuration for the amplitude experiment
|   |   default.yaml: default configuration
|   |   hydra.yaml: hydra configuration
|   |   qgtagging.yaml: configuration for the quark-gluon-tagging experiment
|   |   toptagging.yaml: configuration for the toptagging experiment
|   |   ttbar.yaml: configuration for the ttbar event-generation experiment
|   |   z5g.yaml: configuration for the z+5g event-generation experiment
|   |   zmumu.yaml: configuration for the z->mumu event-generation experiment|
└───config_paper: configuration YAML files for the experiments, with the hyperparameters used in the paper
|   └───model: model configurations
|   └───classifier: classifier metric configuration (event generation experiment)
|   |   amplitudes.yaml: configuration for the amplitude experiment
|   |   default.yaml: default configuration
|   |   hydra.yaml: hydra configuration
|   |   toptagging.yaml: configuration for the toptagging experiment
|   |   ttbar.yaml: configuration for the ttbar event-generation experiment
└───data: space to store datasets
|   | download and unpack datasets
└───gatr: core library
|   └───interface: embedding of geometric quantities into projective geometric algebra
|   |   | Lorentz vector
|   |   | pseudoscalars (not used)
|   |   | scalars
|   |
|   └───layers: network layers
|   |   └───attention: self-attention layer, its components, and the corresponding configuration
|   |   └───mlp: geometric MLP, its components, and the corresponding configuration
|   |   | multivector dropout
|   |   | L-GATr transformer block, the main layer that L-GATr networks consist of
|   |   | geometric LayerNorm
|   |   | equivariant linear layer between multivectors
|   |
|   └───nets: complete network architectures
|   |   | axial-attention version of L-GATr for two token dimensions
|   |   | L-GATr architecture for a single token dimension
|   |   | L-GATr architecture without the transformer module
|   |
|   └───primitives: core functional building blocks of L-GATr
|   |   | geometric attention mechanism
|   |   | bilinear equivariant functions like the geometric product
|   |   | geometric dropout
|   |   | invariant functions of multivectors like the norm
|   |   | equivariant linear maps between multivectors
|   |   | gated nonlinearities
|   |   | geometric normalization functions
|   |
|   └───utils: utility functions
|       | non-differentiable GA functions based on the clifford library
|       | optimized einsum function
|       | various tensor operations
└───experiments: experiments that use gatr
|   └───baselines: baseline layers and architectures
|   └───amplitudes: amplitude experiment
|   └───toptagging: top tagging experiment
|   └───eventgen: event generation experiment
|   |
|   | various utility functions
|   | Logger setup
|   | MLFlow logger 
|   | Base class for all experiments including model, optimizer and scheduler initialization, logging protocol and training/validation loops
|   | Example plot functions (not used)
|   | Example wrapper for L-GATr (not used) 
└───tests: unit tests (e.g. for self-consistency and Pin equivariance)
|   └───gatr
|   |   └───interface: unit tests for gatr.interface
|   |   └───layers: unit tests for gatr.layers
|   |   └───nets: unit tests for gatr.nets
|   |   └───primitives: unit tests for gatr.primitives
|   |   └───utils: unit tests for gatr.utils
|   |
|   └───helpers: utility functions for unit tests
|       | test settings (like tolerances)
|       | helper functions to test Pin equivariance
|       | helper functions to test GA functionality
|   |
|   └───experiments
|   |   └───eventgen: units tests for base distributions and transforms/coordinates classes
└───tests_regression: regression tests
│   LICENSE: license under which this code may be used
│ this README file
|   requirements.txt: external dependencies

4. Extra features in this repository

Here we list some additional functional elements of the code that are not explicitly mentioned in the paper:

  1. Tagging experiment for a quark gluon dataset containing extra scalar features
  2. Extra options in the tagging experiment to include more scalar variables, mean aggregation etc
  3. Extra base distributions and variable parametrizations for event generation
  4. Event generation experiments for Z + jets and Z + 5 gluons
  5. Features of the original GATr repo that we do not use: Positional encodings, axial transformer and axial L-GATr build

5. Citation

If you find our code useful, please cite:

    author = "Spinner, Jonas and Bres\'o, Victor and de Haan, Pim and Plehn, Tilman and Thaler, Jesse and Brehmer, Johann",
    title = "{Lorentz-Equivariant Geometric Algebra Transformers for High-Energy Physics}",
    eprint = "2405.14806",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "",
    reportNumber = "MIT-CTP/5723",
    month = "5",
    year = "2024"


Repository for <Lorentz-Equivariant Geometric Algebra Transformers for High-Energy Physics> (J. Spinner et al 2024)







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