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423 lines (304 loc) · 10.3 KB


A type-safe CosmosDB query builder library for Node to be used alongside with the @azure/cosmos client library.


npm i @heivo/cosmonaut
// or
yarn add @heivo/cosmonaut
// or
pnpm add @heivo/cosmonaut

This library has no dependencies and 2 optional peer dependencies:

  • typescript: while it's possible to use this without Typescript you'd lose many of the benefits that it provides
  • @azure/cosmos: we only import types from this

Example usage

Given the type:

interface Machine {
  id: string;
  serial: string;
  isConnected: boolean;
  price?: number;
  mode: 'idle' | 'running';
  tags: string[];
  softDeleted?: {
    at: string;
    by: string;

You can can build a query like this:

import { CosmosQueryBuilder } from '@heivo/cosmonaut';

const { querySpec } = new CosmosQueryBuilder<Machine>()
  .select('id', 'mode', 'serial', 'isConnected')
  .stringMatchesRegex('id', '^0001-abc-.*', { ignoreCase: true })
  .equals('isConnected', true)
  .equals('mode', ['idle', 'running'])
  .lower('price', 100)
  .or((d) => {
    d.and((c) => {
      c.lower('', '2023-03-01'); // 👈 nested keys are also supported
  .build({ pretty: true });

const { resources } = await container.items.query<Machine>(querySpec);

The result is a SqlQuerySpec that you can pass to the Items.query() function of Azure Cosmos DB client library.

  "query": "
    SELECT, c.mode, c.serial, c.isConnected
    FROM c
    WHERE RegexMatch(, @id, \"i\")
    AND c.isConnected = true
    AND ARRAY_CONTAINS(@mode, c.mode)
    AND c.price < 100
    AND (
      NOT IS_DEFINED(c.softDeleted)
      OR (
        AND < @softDeleted_at
    ORDER BY c.serial ASC
    OFFSET 20 LIMIT 10
  "parameters": [
    { "name": "@id", "value": "^0001-abc-.*" },
    { "name": "@mode", "value": ["idle", "running"] },
    { "name": "@softDeleted_at", "value": "2023-03-01" }

Alternatively you can pass the Cosmos container directly to the returned query() function and retrieve a well-typed response:

// resources is of type Pick<Machine, "id" | "mode" | "serial">[]
const { resources } = await new CosmosQueryBuilder<Machine>().select('id', 'mode', 'serial').build().query(container);



By default the whole document is selected with SELECT * from c. The select() function let's you define which fields or paths to query.

.select('id', 'serial', 'isConnected', '')

Alternatively you can use any of those aggregation functions:


.selectCount({ groupBy: 'mode' })
.selectCount({ groupBy: ['mode', 'isConnected'] })


.selectMin('price', { groupBy: 'mode' })
.selectMin('price', { groupBy: ['mode', 'isConnected'] })


.selectMax('price', { groupBy: 'mode' })
.selectMax('price', { groupBy: ['mode', 'isConnected'] })


.selectSum('price', { groupBy: 'mode' })
.selectSum('price', { groupBy: ['mode', 'isConnected'] })


.selectAvg('price', { groupBy: 'mode' })
.selectAvg('price', { groupBy: ['mode', 'isConnected'] })



.equals(path: Path, value: PathValue)

.equals('id', '00001'); // "id" must be exactly "00001"
.equals('id', ['00001', '00002', '00003']); // "id" must be any of "00001", "00002", "00003"

Not equals

.notEquals(path: Path, value: PathValue)

.notEquals('id', '00001'); // "id" must not be "00001"
.notEquals('id', ['00001', '00002', '00003']); // "id" may not be any of "00001", "00002", "00003"


.lower(path: Path, value: PathValue)

.lower('price', 100); // "price" must be lower than 100

Lower equals

.lowerEquals(path: Path, value: PathValue)

.lowerEquals('price', 100); // "price" must be lower or equal to 100


.greater(path: Path, value: PathValue)

.greater('price', 100); // "price" must be greater than 100

Greater equals

.greaterEquals(path: Path, value: PathValue)

.greaterEquals('price', 100); // "price" must be greater or equal to 100

Is defined

.isDefined(path: Path)

.isDefined('price'); // "price" must be defined

Is undefined

.isUndefined(path: Path)

.isUndefined('price'); // "price" must not be defined

Is null

.isNull(path: Path)

.isNull('price'); // "price" must be null

Is not null

.isNotNull(path: Path)

.isNotNull('price'); // "price" must not be null

String equals

.stringEquals(path: Path, value: PathValue, ignoreCase?: boolean)

.stringEquals('serial', 'a0001'); // "serial" must match exactly "a0001"
.stringEquals('serial', 'a0001', true); // ignore case, "serial" must match exactly "a0001" or "A0001"

String contains

.stringContains(path: Path, value: PathValue, ignoreCase?: boolean)

.stringContains('serial', 'a0'); // "serial" must contain "a0"
.stringContains('serial', 'a0', true); // ignore case, "serial" must contain "a0" or "A0"

String starts with

.stringStartsWith(path: Path, value: PathValue, ignoreCase?: boolean)

.stringStartsWith('serial', 'a0'); // "serial" must start with "a0"
.stringStartsWith('serial', 'a0', true); // ignore case, "serial" must start with "a0" or "A0"

String ends with

.stringEndsWith(path: Path, value: PathValue, ignoreCase?: boolean)

.stringEndsWith('serial', 'a0'); // "serial" must end with "a0"
.stringEndsWith('serial', 'a0', true); // ignore case, "serial" must end with "a0" or "A0"

String matches regular expression

.stringMatchesRegex(path: Path, value: PathValue, flags?: { ignoreCase?: boolean, multiline?: boolean, dotAll?: boolean, ignoreWhitespace?: boolean })

.stringMatchesRegex('serial', '^a.*'); // "serial" must match the regular expression "^a.*"

Optionally you can pass flags as a third argument:

  • ignoreCase: Ignore case when pattern matching.
  • multiline: Treat the string expression to be searched as multiple lines. Without this option, "^" and "$" will match at the beginning or end of the string and not each individual line.
  • dotAll: Allow "." to match any character, including a newline character.
  • ignoreWhitespace: Ignore all whitespace characters.


.stringMatchesRegex('serial', '^a.*', { ignoreCase: true });

Array contains

.arrayContains(path: Path, value: PathValue)

.arrayContains('tags', 'new'); // "tags" array must contain "new"

Logical operators


.or((disjunction: NestedCosmosQueryBuilder) => void)

Can only be used within a nested conjunction (AND) or in the root query builder.

.or(d => {
  d.equals('id', '123');
  d.equals('serial', '456');
}); // either "id" must be "123" or "serial" must be "456"

// or
.or(d => d.equals('id', '123').equals('serial', '456'));

// or
.or(d => ([d.equals('id', '123'), d.equals('serial', '456')}]);

// or
.or(({equals}) => {
  equals('id', '123');
  equals('serial', '456');


.and((conjunction: NestedCosmosQueryBuilder) => void)

Can only be used within a nested disjunction (OR).

.and(c => {
  c.equals('id', '123');
  c.equals('serial', '456');
}); // "id" must be "123" and "serial" must be "456"


.orderBy(path: Path, direction?: 'ASC' | 'DESC')

.orderBy('serial'); // order by "serial", default ascending
.orderBy('serial', 'ASC'); // order by "serial" ascending
.orderBy('serial', 'DESC'); // order by "serial" descending


Pagination only makes sense in combination with sorting, otherwise the result will be non-deterministic.


.take(value: number)

.take(5); // limit the result to 5 items


.skip(value: number)

.skip(10); // skip the first 10 entries


.build(options?: {
  pretty?: boolean, // pretty-prints the query and conditions expression
  noParams? boolean, // inlines all values in the query, this is useful for testing it in the CosmosDB Data Explorer but should not be used in production to avoid SQL injection
}): {
  querySpec: SqlQuerySpec,
  conditionsExpression: string,
  parameters: SqlParameter[],
  query: (container: Container => QueryIterator)

The .build() functions returns an object that has a

  • querySpec: SqlQuerySpec that can be passed to Items.query(querySpec) from the @azure/cosmos client library
  • conditionsExpression: string that can be used to manually construct the full query, use alongside with:
  • parameters: SqlParameter[]
  • query: (container: Container) => QueryIterator a function where you pass the @azure/cosmos container instance to retrieve a well-typed QueryIterator

Using querySpec

const container = new CosmosClient('').database('').container('');
const { querySpec } =;
const { resources } = await container.items.query<Machine>(querySpec);

Using conditionsExpression and parameters

const container = new CosmosClient('').database('').container('');
const { conditionsExpression, parameters } =;
const query = `SELECT c.mode, COUNT( FROM c WHERE ${conditionsExpression} GROUP BY c.mode`;
const { resources } = await container.items.query<Machine>({ query, parameters }).fetchAll();

Using query()

The problem with the upper two approaches is that you have to manually contruct a type interface that matches the returned resources when using the .select() function.

By using the .query() function Typescript can automatically infer the right type:

const container = new CosmosClient('').database('').container('');
const { query } ='id', 'mode', 'isConnected').build();
// resources is of type Pick<Machine, "id" | "mode" | "isConnected">[]
const { resources } = await query(container).fetchAll();
// you can also pass options that are forwarded to the container query function
const { resources } = await query(container, { maxItemCount: 100 }).fetchNext();