A simple .NET Standard 2.0 client for interfacing with the Random.org API
A configurable and simple-use-first implementation that wraps the Random.org API.
If you are not concerned about denied requests and don't want to deal with HTTP errors or time-limited throttling, this library has the option to fall back to local System.Random
class implementations.
This package has no dependencies apart from the standard Microsoft abstraction packages.
Apache License 2.0 - https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
So what is configurable?
- You can set to not use the fallback mode in cases where: no requests are left for your API key, time-limited throttling is done by Random.Org or HTTP errors occur. If you do, you will get exceptions in those cases.
- You can set whether values should generate with or without replacement (optional parameter on Random.org).
- You can set a standard set of characters for random strings, or specify it per call.
Essential service configuration:
services.AddRandomOrg("<your API key>");
Extended service configuration:
services.AddRandomOrg(options =>
options.ApiKey = "<your API key>";
options.WithReplacement = false;
options.ShouldFallback = false;
Example usage:
private IRandomOrgClient _randomOrgClient;
public Foo(IRandomOrgClient randomOrgClient)
_randomOrgClient = randomOrgClient;
public async Task Process()
int[] integers = await _randomOrgClient.GetIntegersAsync(100, 10, 50);
strings[] strings = await _randomOrgClient.GetStringsAsync(100, 10);