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CRAN version 2.0.0

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@helske helske released this 02 Dec 18:27

Bump to version 2.0.0 due to large number of changes, some visible to user, while some are due to submission to rOpenSci review. From the NEWS file:

  • Added a progress bar for run_mcmc.
  • Added a fitted method for extraction of summary statistics of posterior
    predictive distribution p(y_t | y_1, ..., y_n) for t = 1, ..., n.
  • Rewrote the summary method completely, which now returns data.frame. This
    also resulted in some changes in order of the function arguments.
  • The output of predict method is now a data frame with column weight
    corresponding to the IS-weights in case of IS-MCMC. Previously resampling
    was done internally, but now this is left for the user if needed
    (i.e. for drawing state trajectories).
  • The asymptotic_var and iact functions are now exported to users, and they
    also contain alternative methods based on the posterior package.
  • New function estimate_ess can be used to compute effective sample size
    from weighted MCMC.
  • Added compatibility with the posterior package by defining as_draws
    method for converting run_mcmc output to draws_df object.
  • New function check_diagnostics for quick glance of ESS and Rhat values.
  • Large number of new tests, and improved documentation with added examples.
  • Large number of internal tweaks so that the package complies with
    goodpractices package and Ropensci statistical software standards.