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QIBA-DRO-evaluation tool (QDET)

The QIBA-DRO-evaluation tool allows to compare the results from DCE-MRI analysis software applied to digital phantom data with the initial parameters.


  • Introduction
  • Organization of the source codes
  • Required modules
  • How to build the installer (for Windows)

Organization of the source codes

  • The application is available in source code and Windows installer.

  • The source code could be found in Under the condition that all required packages are available, run this file in Python will launch the application.

  • Alternatively the user can run the installer QIBA evaluate tool-0.1-win32.msi and install the application on the computer.

  • A short manual could be found in file Manual.docx.

  • The reference and calculated data for demonstration could be found in the folders /reference_data and /calculated_data.

  • The folder /temp is used during the exporting results to files.

Required packages or tools (all are in 32bit version)

How to Build the installer (for Windows)

  • The installer for Windows is built with cx_Freeze:

  • After installing this package, the documentation of cx_Freeze could be found here:

  • Simply to say, in order to build the installer, is needed alongside the QDET's codes and required folder structures.

  • With Window command line in the scripts' directory, type python bdist_msi to build.Two new folders are created: /built and /dist;

  • The Windows installer shall be found under the folder /dist, named as QIBA evaluate tool-0.1-win32.msi.