C Programming Practice
Compiled using gcc -std=c11 -pedantic-errors file_name.c [other_file.c, …]
Prints "Hello, world!" to the screen (duh)
- printf()
- function declaration
- compiling
- #include
Utility functions used in other projects.
- strlen()
- printf()
- getchar()
- header files
- error handling in c (via parameter passing)
- pass by reference (via pointer passing)
- strings (explicitly setting '\0' to mark end of char array)
Prompts the user for a positive integer, validates input and responds appropriately.
- printf()
- loadIntRepresentedAsCharArrayFromUser()
- strtol_strict()
- pointers
- header files
- compiling multiple c files at once
- error handling in c (via parameter passing)
- pass by reference (via pointer passing)
- dereferencing (using & symbol)
Compares user's age with programmer's age.
- printf()
- loadIntRepresentedAsCharArrayFromUser()
- strtol_strict()
- pointers
- header files
- compiling multiple c files at once
- error handling in c (via parameter passing)
- pass by reference (via pointer passing)
- dereferencing (using & symbol)