- The game board will fill whatever size document it is loaded within-this would allow it to be easily embedded in an iframe.
- The snake starts at the center, moving right.
- The game can be paused/played with the spacebar.
- As a handicap (for viewability as much as gameplay), the apple has a 5 pixel radius—the snake will eat it if it hits anywhere within this radius.
- The snake is one pixel thick.
- The snake dies when it hits a wall or itself.
- The game restarts automatically when the snake dies
- Add a high score (number of apples eaten)
- Make the thickness of the snake a user-defined feature
- Add accelerometer events and/or touch-screen buttons for phones/tablets.
- Have game always run at 60fps (currently depends on difficulty, with max of 100fps) and use requestAnimationFrame instead of setInterval