- Designed and implemented the microservice architecture for the e-commerce backend system
- Integrated microservices with Alibaba Nacos to enable microservice registry and discovery
- Configured and Utilized SpringCloud Gateway to manage different APIs provided by the microservies while implementing SpringCloud Gateway filters to handle different HTTP requests from the client and internal calls
- Some nacos alternative procuct: netflix eureka, coreDNS
- Why choose nacos: nacos focuses more on constructing a service plantform and forming a service sharing community for open source projects, not only for the usage of service discovery
- Developed the user registration, authentication, and authority management microservice using JWT and RSA256 with Spring Security Framework
- Designed and implemented the data model and data access objects using Hibernate
- Utilized Redis to enable instant data accessing (paginated product info)
- Implement distributed tracing for microservices with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin
- Utilized Junit to perform unit tests on REST APIs and main functionalities of the microservices
- For setting up nacos: see Nacos official guideline https://github.com/alibaba/nacos
- nacos version: 2.0.0
- sql script for setting up nacos user: see e-commerce-springcloud/sql/nacos_config.sql
- mysql version: 5.7
- zipkin version: 2.21.7 https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/zipkin/zipkin-server/2.21.7/
- for more information, check: https://zipkin.io/pages/quickstart.html
- kafka version 2.7.0, download: https://kafka.apache.org/downloads
- For running service each time:
# running kafka
bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
# running zipkin
java -DKAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS= -jar zipkin-server-2.21.7-exec.jar --STORAGE_TYPE=mysql --MYSQL_HOST= --MYSQL_TCP_PORT=3306 --MYSQL_USER=root --MYSQL_PASS=Admin123 --MYSQL_DB=imooc_zipkin
- A module for testing nacos setup and getting the configuration of nacos
- Provides the basic utils methods and constants for every microservice to access
- This microservice is aim to manage the microservice endpoints and send alarm when the microserve is
- setting up spring boot actuator to manage the microservice endpoints
- the default context path is:
- username for spring admin service:
- username: admin
- test password: 123456789
- This microservice provides authentication and authority management service using JWT and RSA256
- The data object for JWT Token, Login User information (id and username), user password and username are in src/main/java/com/ecommerce/vo
- For test purpose,
- the generated public key for testing is hard coded in /e-commerce-common/src/main/java/com/ecommerce/constant/CommonConstant.java
- the generated private key for testing is hard coded in /e-commerce-authority-center/src/main/java/com/ecommerce/constant/AuthorityConstant.java
- Database tables documentation generator (only in Chinese version):
- run /e-commerce-authority-center/src/test/java/com/ecommerce/DBDocTest.java
- Environment setup:
- need to run /e-commerce-authority-center/src/main/resources/sql/t_ecoomerce_user.sql to create t_ecommerce_user database in MySql
- This microservice serves as an API Gateway using SpringCloud gateway.
- /config/DynamicRouteServiceImpl and /config/DynamicRouteServiceImplByNacos provides basic dynamic configuration sample
- Two global filters and one gateway filter provided:
- GlobalCacheRequestBodyFilter: saves request body for future usage
- GlobalLoginOrRegisterFilter: global authentication filter, check if a request is login or register, if not, forward to the corresponding mircrosrvice
- HeaderTokenGatewayFilter: need to config through Nacos. check if header carries token
- This microservice is the parent module of e-commerce services
- setup swagger and web interceptors for user authentication
- define the general data objects passing via different microservices
- for account data: AddressInfo, BalanceInfo, UserAddress
- for common data accessing: tableId, read the primary key of a table
- define the general data objects passing via different microservices
- provides the basic account service and balance service