The scripts moves data from one MySQL/Maria DB to another.
If you want to migrate from an SQL dump, import it into a DB first:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `hexaa_dump`.* TO 'hexaa'@'%'
mysql --host -u hexaa -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD hexaa_dump < hexaadump_2019-03-04.sql
You need to prepare the schema in the target DB. You can achieve this by running php app/console doctrine:schema:create
in the new (version 2) HEXAA, or manually running the schema creation script in this repo:
mysql --host -u hexaa -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD hexaa < hexaa_schema_new.sql
To install dependencies, run this command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You need to specify the source and target DB connection params:
--old-host OLD_HOST, -oh OLD_HOST
Address of old DB (default:
--old-port OLD_PORT, -opo OLD_PORT
Port old DB (default: 3306)
--old-user OLD_USER, -ou OLD_USER
User for old DB.
--old-passwd OLD_PASSWD, -opw OLD_PASSWD
Password for old DB.
--old-db OLD_DB, -od OLD_DB
Database name for old DB.
--new-host NEW_HOST, -nh NEW_HOST
Address of new DB. (default:
--new-port NEW_PORT, -npo NEW_PORT
Port new DB (default: 3306).
--new-user NEW_USER, -nu NEW_USER
User for new DB.
--new-passwd NEW_PASSWD, -npw NEW_PASSWD
Password for new DB.
--new-db NEW_DB, -nd NEW_DB
Database name for new DB.
If you want to change the prefix of entitlement URI's:
--old-prefix OLD_PREFIX
Old entitlement URI prefix to be replaced.
--new-prefix NEW_PREFIX
New entitlement URI prefix.
./ \
-ou hexaa -opw hexaa -od hexaa_dump \
-nu hexaa -npw hexaa -nd hexaa \
--old-prefix '' \
--new-prefix ''
For easier usage with the Ansible+Docker based HEXAA installation:
docker build -t migrator .
docker stop hexaa-backend hexaa-frontend-web
docker run \
-it --rm \
--network hexaa_backend \
-v /path/to/hexaadump_xy.sql:/hexaadump.sql \
docker start hexaa-backend hexaa-frontend-web
If you specify it in the CLI arguments, the script will update the URI prefix of entitlements. URI's that don't start with the old prefix will be copied unchanged.
Old schema:
Organization -- EntitlementPack
EntitlementPack --> Service
(Organization, EntitlementPack) .. organization_entitlement_pack
class organization_entitlement_pack {
New schema:
Link --> Organization
Link --> Service
Link -- EntitlementPack
EntitlementPack --> Service
(Link, EntitlementPack) .. link_entitlement_pack
class Link {
Note: The (organization_id
) foreign key pair is a unique key in the Link table