A Java program that sorts integers from lowest to highest
Program files: SortMain.java, Sorter.java, SortTest.java
How to run:
- Clone the repo locally with "git clone https://github.com/heymikeey/arraySorter_yhDevOps/" in the terminal (The repo is cloned into the current directory)
- Enter the "src" folder in the project via the terminal
- Compile the program with the command "javac SortMain.java"
- Run the program with the command "java SortMain" followed by the integers to be sorted, space seperated. Example: "java Sortmain 3 2 4 1"
- Output will be "1 2 3 4"
How to run Test:
- Compile the test program with the command "javac SortTest.java"
- Run the test with command java SortTest
- A number of samples will be printed in the terminal.
- The output contains unsorted sample arrays, expected sorted arrays and what the Sort program returned. And if the tests were successful or not.