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Releases: hfgolino/EGAnet

{EGAnet} 2.0.7

02 Sep 17:17
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Changes in version 2.0.7

  • FIX: mixed data with missing data in network.predictability

  • ADD: frobenius norm to compare networks

  • ADD: function to test for differences in network structures using three different metrics (Frobenius Norm, Jensen-Shannon Similarity, total network strength)

  • ADD: a general function called information to compute several information theory measures

  • UPDATE: default 'loading.method' for net.loads has been changed to "revised" moving forward -- the previous default in versions <= 2.0.6 can be obtained using "original"

  • UPDATE: invariance handles more than 2 groups (plots up to 4 groups pairwise)

  • UPDATE: added 'signed' argument in jsd to allow for signed or absolute networks to be used in computations (includes downstream functions: infoCluster)

  • UPDATE: NEWS is now formatted in markdown

  • UPDATE: network.predictability uses R-squared and mean absolute error (MAE) for all node predictions

  • INTERNAL: network.generalizabilty was moved to be internal (needs some work yet)

  • INTERNAL: signs for net.loads uses the first eigenvector of the target network (rather than the custom obtain_signs function)

{EGAnet} 2.0.6

22 Apr 14:02
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Changes in version 2.0.6

o FIX: bug when using = "listwise" in standard cor() function

o FIX: update to revised network loadings signs

o FIX: bug in argument 'returnAllResults' for EBICglasso.qgraph

o FIX: bug when passing additional non-dimensionStability arugments into bootEGA

o FIX: bug when printing hierEGA summary from bootEGA

o UPDATE: colors in itemStability plots will match colors of hierEGA plot

o UPDATE: network.predictability uses empirical inverse variances (rather than network-implied)

o UPDATE: R-squared in continuous_accuracy helper uses formula for no intercept

{EGAnet} 2.0.5

14 Mar 21:24
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Changes in version 2.0.5

o FIX: 'stroke' parameter in hierEGA that broke with {ggplot2} update

o ADD: network.predictability to predict new data based on a network

o ADD: network.generalizability to estimate network generalizability to new data (leverages network.predictability)

o UPDATE: new loadings (net.loads(..., loading.method = "experimental")) have been added to resolve issues in original loadings (e.g., signs, cross-loadings, standardization)

o UPDATE: plot.bootEGA will output itemStability plot by default

o UPDATE: dimensionStability output now included in bootEGA as output $stability

o UPDATE: 'rotate' argument added to infoCluster plot to allow for different angle of dendrogram

o DEPENDENCY: {fungible} is now 'IMPORTS' over 'SUGGESTS' for dependency in new loadings

o DEPRECATED: typicalStructure and plot.typicalStructure have been deprecated to FALSE

{EGAnet} 2.0.4

21 Jan 12:54
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o FIX: plotting for infoCluster when there are grey lines involved (or not)

o FIX: pass of multiple passes of resolution_parameter causing an error in {igraph} 2.0.0 for (see issue #148)

o ADD: to perform permutation test to determine statistical significance of cluster similarity

o UPDATE: moved reindex_memberships to helpers

o UPDATE: reindex_memberships used in community.homogenize

{EGAnet} 2.0.3

17 Nov 17:36
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Changes in version 2.0.3

  • FIX: freed edge.* arguments in compare.EGA.plots to allow full customization

  • UPDATE: optimizations for speed and memory in ergoInfo and boot.ergoInfo

  • DEPENDENCY: swapped out {ggdendro} for {dendextend}

{EGAnet} 2.0.2

25 Oct 12:38
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Due to dependency issues, this release does not include Bayesian GGM capabilities. The functionality will return when the dependency issues can be resolved.

Changes in version 2.0.2

o FIX: ties for max gain in TMFG

o FIX: continuous variables with few categories that are treated as ordinal in polychoric.matrix

o FIX: character input for structure is now accepted

o ADD: website pointing to different data check errors added to error output (hopefully, makes errors more understandable)

o UPDATE: corr = "cor_auto" now performs qgraph::cor_auto in favor of legacy; previous behavior starting at 2.0.0 was to deprecate "cor_auto" in favor of "auto"; default remains corr = "auto"

o UPDATE: compare.EGA.plots outputs $all and $individual for the plots

o UPDATE: when structure is supplied for invariance, then configural check is skipped (structure is assumed to be invariant)

o UPDATE: added data generation for model = "BGGM" and uni.method = "expand" in community.unidimensional

o DEPENDENCY: {BGGM} has been removed until dependency chain on CRAN can be resolved

Changes in version 2.0.1

o updated the polychoric C code to avoid out-of-bounds access errors

{EGAnet} 2.0.0

08 Aug 15:19
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To check out changes in version 2.0.0, see NEWS and What's Changed?

EGAnet 1.2.3

04 Sep 16:25
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Major fixes to previous CRAN release version 1.2.0

If you've previously ran your analysis using version 1.2.0, we recommend re-running the analyses with version 1.2.3. There were some major bugs that may have affected your results.

Changes in 1.2.3

o FIX: many bug fixes related to latest update; functions have largely returned to stable status

o UPDATE: Mac and Linux parallelizations have been optimized

o UPDATE: documented examples are more efficient for CRAN checks

Changes in 1.2.1

o FIX: bootEGA read of bootstrap data (was not calling from datalist in leading to perfect item stability)

o FIX: number of possible colors expanded to 70 (increased from 40)

Changes in version 1.2.0

o FIX: hex codes used in EGA plots

o FIX: ordered = TRUE for categorical data in lavaan CFAs

o UPDATE: consesnsus clustering is now used with Louvain in EGA

o UPDATE: print/summary S3methods have been standardized

o ADD/UPDATE: boot.ergoInfo has achieved functional working order. Results can be trusted to suggest whether dynamic data possess the ergodic property

o ADD: information theoretic clustering algorithm for dynamic data is available in infoCluster

o REMOVE: "alpha" and "adapt" options in UVA (removes {fitdistrplus} dependency)

o REMOVE: {qgraph} plots are no longer available

o ADD: convert2igraph is now a core function

o ADD: Jensen-Shannon Divergence jsd for determining (dis)similarity between network strcutures

o ADD: riEGA,, and hierEGA functionality to bootEGA

o ADD: hierEGA functionality to itemStability and dimensionStability

o UPDATE: "louvain" algorithm used as default for unidimensionality check in EGA

o INTERNAL: cleaned up EGA and EGA.estimate; streamlined code; no user facing differences

Changes in version 1.1.0

o FIX: CRAN note when if(class(object)). Replaced by if(is(object)).

o FIX: bug in EGA.estimate when using the TMFG network method. The resulting EGA plot did not have the correct node names.

o FIX: bug in UVA when trying to use sum score (reduce.method = "sum") in automated procedure

o ADD: measurement invariance function for testing differences in network loadings between groups

o UPDATE: itemStability now has a parameter structure in which the user can specify a given structure to test its stability.

o ADD: riEGA implementing random-intercept EGA for wording effects

o ADD: hierEGA implementing hierarchical EGA

o FIX: consensus clustering for the Louvain algorithm

o ADD: louvain algorithm with added optimization option using tefi

EGAnet 1.0.0

07 Nov 13:57
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Changes in version 1.0.0

o FIX: Bug within the bootEGA function for type = "resampling".

o UPDATE: default undimensionality adjustment has changed to leading eigenvalue (see Christensen, Garrido, & Golino, 2021 Previous unidimensionality adjustment in versions <= 0.9.8 can be applied using uni.method = "expand"

O UPDATE: default UVA was changed type = "threshold"

o UPDATE: UVA is now automated using auto = TRUE

o DEFUNCT: dimStability will no longer be supported. Instead, use dimensionStability

o REVAMP: itemStability has been recoded. Now includes error checking and more readable code

o FIX: bug for plotting NA communities

o FIX: bug for changing edge size in 'GGally' plotting

o UPDATE: S3Methods for plotting

o FIX: plotting parameters for bootEGA

o FIX: redundancy output for adhoc check in UVA

o FIX: latent variable with non-space separated entries in UVA (reduce.method = "latent")

o UPDATE: UVA was added to methods.section

o UPDATE: neural network weights in LCT (now only tests for factor or small-world network models)

o UPDATE: citations

o UPDATE: added seed argument for bootEGA to reproduce results

o FIX: bug for Rand index in itemStability

Changes in version 0.9.8

o UPDATE: Unidimensional check in EGA expands a correlation matrix (rather than generating variables; much more efficient)

o ADD: color_palette_EGA New EGA palettes for plotting ggnet2 EGA network plots (see ?color_palette_EGA)

o ADD: UVA or Unique Variable Analysis operates as a comprehensive handling of variable redundancy in multivariate data (see ?UVA)

o DEFUNCT: node.redundant, node.redundant.names, and node.redundant.combine will be defunct in next version. Please use UVA

o ADD: a new function to compute a parametric Bootstrap Test for the Ergodicity Information Index (see ?boot.ergoInfo)

o ADD: basic Shiny functionality (EGA only)

o ADD: a new function to compute a Monte-Carlo Test for the Ergodicity Information Index (see ?mctest.ergoInfo)

o ADD: a new function to compute the Ergodicity Information Index (see ?ergoInfo)

o UPDATE: new plotting scheme using network and GGally packages

o ADD: a function to produce an automated Methods section for several functions (see ?methods.section)

o UPDATE: bootEGA now implements the updated EGA algorithm

o UPDATE: ega.wmt data (unidimensional)

o UPDATE: itemStability plot defaults ("GGally" color scheme) and examples (manipulating plot)

o ADD: total correlation (see ?totalCor and totalCorMat)

o ADD: correlation argument (corr) for EGA, bootEGA, and UVA

o FIX: GGally color palette when more than 9 dimensions

EGAnet 0.9.7

29 Aug 17:23
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Changes in version 0.9.7

o UPDATE: LCT neural network weights were updated (parametric relu activation function)

o FIX: naming in EGA

o FIX: output network matrix in EGA when data are input

o UPDATE: citation version

o UPDATE: node.redundant now provides a full plot of redundancies detected, descriptive statistics including the critical value, and the distribution the significant values were determined from

Changes in version 0.9.6

o UPDATE: LCT updated with neural network implementation

Changes in version 0.9.5

o ADD: loadings comparison test function added (see LCT)

o FIX: named community memberships in itemStability and dimStability

o UPDATE: plot, print, and summary methods all moved into single .R files (no effect on user's end)

o UPDATE: net.scores global score is improved and computes scores very close to CFA scores

o FIX: additional argument calls for EGA.estimate (and EGA by extension)

o UPDATE: message from EGA.estimate (and EGA by extension) reports both 'gamma' and 'lambda.min.ratio' arguments

o FIX: upper quantile output from bootEGA

o FIX: minor bugs in node.redundant, itemStability, and net.loads

Changes in version 0.9.4

o MAJOR UPDATE: dimStability now computes proportion of exact dimension replications rather than items that replicate within dimension (this latter information can still be found in the output of itemStability under $mean.dim.rep)

o FIX: net.loads for when dimensions equal one or the number of nodes in the network

o FIX: naming typo with characters in itemStability

o FIX: NAs in dimStability

o FIX: weights of network in unidimensional structure of EGA are the same as multidimensional structure

o UPDATE: Added a new function to simulate dynamic factor models simDFM

o UPDATE: added internal functions for net.loads (see utils-net.loads)

o FIX: ordering of names in itemStability

o FIX: handling of NA communities in net.loads

o UPDATE: Added output of the average replication of items in each dimension for itemStability

o UPDATE: Revised 'Network Scores' vignette

o UPDATE: net.loads functionality (cleaned up code)

o UPDATE: S3Methods for net.loads

o FIX: net.scores negative loadings corrected

Changes in version 0.9.3

o New function and print, summary and plot methods: dynEGA

o New functions: Embed and glla

Changes in version 0.9.2

o UPDATE: add latent variable scores comparison to net.scores vignette

o UPDATE: node.redundant.combine sets loadings equal to 1 when there are only two variables when the argument type = "latent"; warning also added from type = "sum"

o FIX: node.redundant alpha types bug

o updated itemStability (bug fixes)

o updated node.redundant.combine (bug fixes, latent variable option)

o major bug fix in net.loads: corrected loadings greater than 1 when there were many negative values

o added EGA.estimate to clean up EGA code and allow for future implementations of different network estimation methods and community detection algorithms

o updated EGA functionality: message for 'gamma' value used and EGA.estimate compatiability

o removed iterators dependency

o ordering and name fix in net.loads

o auto-adjusts y-axis label size for itemStability plot based on number of nodes or length of node names

o net.loads adjusted for larger values using absolute values and applying the sign afterwards

o reverse coding update in net.loads

o node.redundant.combine bug fix for reverse coding latent variables

o added Louvain community detection to all EGA functions in EGAnet

o functionality updates to node.redundant

o swapped arguments 'type' and 'method' in the node.redundant function (fixed examples in other node.redundant functions)

o updated citation

Changes in version 0.9.0

o updated list of dependencies

o added ORCiDs in Description file

o corrected ordering of net.loads output

o corrected standard error in bootEGA

o citation update

o added function dimStability to compute dimensional stability

o added a series of functions for node.redundant, which facilitates detecting and combining redundant nodes in networks

o updated the function, so now a correlation matrix can be used as well.

Changes in version 0.8.0

o 'bootEGA' now computes time until bootstrap is finished

o new functions 'cmi', 'pmi' and 'residualEGA' added: 'cmi' computes conditional mutual information, 'pmi' computes partial mutual information and residual EGA computes an EGA network controlling for wording effects

o new dataset 'optimism' added

o documentation and functionality for several functions updated

Changes in version 0.7.0

o fixed 'EGA' bug in 'bootEGA' function; updated 'bootEGA' documentation; added progress messages

o migrated 'net.scores' and 'net.loads' from 'NetworkToolbox' to 'EGAnet' package

o functions 'itemConfirm' and 'itemIdent' have been merged into a single function called, 'itemStability'

o fixed item ordering in 'itemStability' output so dimensions are from least to greatest, the colors match the original community vector input, and updated average standardized network loadings to the 'net.loads' function

o added datasets 'ega.wmt' and 'boot.wmt' for quick user-friendly examples (also removed all '\donttest')

o added package help page

o added package load message

o updated 'itemStability' algorithm (now can accept any number of 'orig.wc') and enforced '0' to '1' bounds on plot