Updates to included styles will be listed here.
Thanks to BobbySig for contributing fixes to left over rounded borders and improving row layouts in this update.
Fix border radius being left on the .GameWidget component.
Make cards display to the same height in their row where possible.
Reduce space wasting in the post-match blurb:
Collapse the game log after matches finish.
Top align post-match blurb entries instead of distibuting space.
Add minimum height to blurb entries display.
- Per request from many ORB lovers, the Emoji Fix is now removed from BIG SCREEN Blaseball. You will need to install and update it separately going forward.
The long awaited return of the BIG SCREEN, now bligger and bletter.
Update styles to work with latest version of blaseball.com
Reduce minimum card width to 300px
Reduce card gutter to 4px
Incorporate latest Emoji fix.
### 0.0.14 (2021/03/01)
- Add emoji fix to favorite team display on account settings and the home page.
- Pad the sides of the Bulletin page.
- Add the updated Emoji fix.
- Pad the header and navigation to make it look less messy.
- Actually add the fix from 0.0.9 into the stylesheet...
- Fix Game outcome box not being squared off.
Ensure Emoji fix is applied to the scoring screen too.
Fix score layout after postseason siesta changes.
Improve layout when fewer games are being played (i.e. postseason)
- Center the cards if they don't fill a row (speculative change for postseason games)
Add the standard gutter back into the elections and standings views, which otherwise looked weird in full screen width.
Add the Windows 10 emoji fix to the style.
- Change the GameWidget wrapper selector to attempt to fix a user-reported bug.
- Improve presentation of GameItems in the Bets screen to give them a similar card-like appearance to those on the Live Scores.
- Improve presentation of GameItems on the Live Scores screen to give them and intended card-like appearance.
Tidy up appearance of status bar on bets page.
Fix weather and perk icons being wrongly squared off outside of the status bar.
- Initial version of the BIG SCREEN Blaseball userstyle.
- Add emoji fix to new places, including forbidden knowledge.
- Add emoji fix to favorite team display on account settings and the home page.
Use an improved Emoji fix that displays Windows 10 color emojis consistently (thanks to rwiiebe)
Apply fix to new areas that weren't covered in the last version (thanks to fox8091)
- Ensure Emoji fix is applied to the scoring screen too.
- Initial version of the Windows 10 Emoji fix userstyle.
Discontinued: Blaseball now includes a light mode! Enable it with the Light mode setting, which can be found by clicking Account Settings at the bottom of the page on the Blaseball site.
- Renamed to indicate that the Light mode style is now discontinued.
- Make sure the spinning peanut is visible!
- Add modal style for player stats.
Add modal styles that were accidently omitted from 0.0.1.
Improvements and changes for Blaseball Season 4 pre-season (expect more once season starts).
- Initial version of the Blaseball Light Mode userstyle.