Héber H. Arcolezi, Sébastien Gambs, Jean-François Couchot, Catuscia Palamidessi. "On the Risks of Collecting Multidimensional Data Under Local Differential Privacy". PVLDB, 16(5): 1126 - 1139, 2023. doi: 10.14778/3579075.3579086.
If our codes and work are useful to you, we would appreciate a reference to:
doi = {10.14778/3579075.3579086},
url = {https://doi.org/10.14778/3579075.3579086},
year = {2023},
month = jan,
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery ({ACM})},
volume = {16},
number = {5},
pages = {1126--1139},
author = {H{\'{e}}ber H. Arcolezi and S{\'{e}}bastien Gambs and Jean-Fran{\c{c}}ois Couchot and Catuscia Palamidessi},
title = {On the Risks of Collecting Multidimensional Data Under Local Differential Privacy},
journal = {Proceedings of the {VLDB} Endowment}
- The attack_SMP folder has the codes for reproducing the attacks to the SMP solution.
- The attack_RSpFD folder has the codes for reproducing the attacks to the RS+FD solution.
- The countermeasure_RSpRFD folder has the codes for reproducing the experiments/attacks of our countermeasure RS+RFD solution.
The datasets folder has the following (pre-processed) datasets.
- I am slowly cleaning/generalizing the codes + documentation.
- Implement RS+RFD in the multi-freq-ldpy package.
I mainly used Python 3 with numpy, pandas, numba, multi-freq-ldpy, and ray libaries. The versions I use are listed below:
- Python 3.8.8
- Numpy 1.23.1
- Pandas 1.2.4
- Numba 0.53.1
- Multi-freq-ldpy 0.2.4
- Ray 1.11.0
For any question, please contact Héber H. Arcolezi: heber.hwang-arcolezi [at] inria.fr