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643 lines (488 loc) · 25.2 KB

File metadata and controls

643 lines (488 loc) · 25.2 KB


[2.0.0] - XX/XX/2024


  • Docsify v5 is now used for all Markdown file rendering
  • Adoption of the new and improved theme system in Docsify v5
  • Integration of Marked.js v14+ from Docsify v5
  • Support of optional docsify-theme parameter (docsify-theme=true) to use new Docsify v5 core (default) theme
  • Mermaid diagram support is now handled directly via Marked.js + Mermaid.js (no additional plugin needed)


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Default font Source Sans Pro replaced with the latest version (Source Sans 3)
  • Removed unneeded legacy fonts
  • Skip-link to content button, accessible via tab key (now via Docsify v5)
  • Aria attributes for Sidebar toggle button and current page link (now via Docsify v5)
  • Assigning proper roles and aria attributes to various site elements (now via Docsify v5)
  • Support for keyboard shortcuts, e.g. \ for hide or show Sidebar (now via Docsify v5)
  • Focus on hidden Sidebar items is prevented (now via Docsify v5)
  • Top navbar can now accept focus (now via Docsify v5)
  • Keyboard scrolling is supported within code blocks (via Docsify v5)
  • Improved search results, which exclude Markdown formating syntax (via Docsify v5)


  • With the use of Docsify v5, Legacy Browsers (for example, Internet Explorer 11) are no longer supported

[1.9.13] - XX/XX/2024


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Added basic CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) error handling


  • Support expected passing of id parameter
  • Scroll offset fix (with thanks and appreciation to @rizdaprasetya for the initial code)

[1.9.12] - 09/18/2024


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Minor Web Page Builder UI updates
  • Minor theme update

[1.9.11] - 09/03/2024🏫


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Removed RunKit support due to current unavailability of platform and unknown future


  • Fixed Web Page Builder button lable handling on smaller screens
  • Support file URL for 'Edit this Page' links as expected when Sidebar is displayed with single pages

[1.9.10] - 08/27/2024


  • Added platform default font choice ('system-ui')
  • Added basic 404 error handling (i.e. 404 - File not found error)


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Use Docsify Frontmatter plugin instead of custom HTML filtering
  • Docsify-This Web app UI appearance updates
  • Optimized images for smaller download sizes (with thanks and appreciation to TinyPNG)

[1.9.9] - 08/19/2024


  • Added example Docsify-This template (Multiple Page Open Publishing Site Template)
  • Added checkbox to move Navbar items to the top of the Sidebar on smaller screens in Advanced Web Page Builder (in addition to URL parameter mergeNavbar)


  • Support for mathematical formula display now provided by the Latex plugin for compatibility with future Marked.js compatibility (with thanks and appreciation to @scruel)
  • Search plugin URL parameter changed to searchbox from search for future Docsify v5 compatability
  • Updated ReadMe
  • Reorganized Docsify-This docs

[1.9.8] - 07/23/2024


  • Improve accessibility of Font Awesome icons when used for decorative elements (automatic addition of aria-hidden attribute assuming decorative icons)
  • Updated ReadMe

[1.9.7] - 06/21/2024🏒


  • Updated Open Graph image for social media
  • Updated ReadMe
  • Adjusted bottom margin for summary elements
  • Improved Search plugin results list presentation, including source page title when appropriate


  • Change default external link config from '_blank' to '_top'
  • Delete and create local database for Search plugin to remove conflicts between Docsify-This web sites

[1.9.6] - 06/03/2024


  • New Open Graph image for social media
  • Support of optional edit-link-emoji URL parameter for custom emoji 'Edit this Page' link (not available in the Web Page Builder)


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Added CSS Markdown class to support responsive HTML images responsive


  • Added CSS to automatically wrap links that overflow
  • Fixed URL error checking for raw GitHub Gists
  • Do not overwrite existing target attribute in Markdown links
  • Properly pass URL parameter values when configuring the default values of the Docsify-This Web Page Builder
  • Added CSS to automatically wrap code blocks that overflow
  • Added CSS to better vertically align 'Edit this Page' emoji and text

[1.9.5] - 04/29/2024🏒


  • Support for .markdown file extension in addition to .md
  • Added Docsify RunKit plugin (with thanks and appreciation to @jhildenbiddle for developing the plugin)


  • Updated ReadMe


  • Remove CSS for use with accordion elements with plain details/summary elements

[1.9.4] - 03/28/2024


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Updated to use Coloris v0.22.0
  • Updated to use docsify-tabs plugin 1.6.2
  • Support display of site name with standard Docsify Sidebar
  • Streamline handling of local URLs to handle 'Edit this Page' links and use of hypothesis
  • Streamline hook.doneEach script
  • Code of Conduct now located in .github Repository


  • Remove extra <br> elements when credits are visible

[1.9.3] - 02/22/2024


  • Support for the Browser-level image lazy loading (with thanks and appreciation to @sy-records for the source plugin 'docsify-loading')
  • Added example multiple language template (Docsify-This Multi-language Site Template)


  • Add ability to define custom colors for badges (with thanks to @cmadland for the example use of colored badges)
  • Updated ReadMe
  • Support of footer files ('') in subfolders, which also provides multi-language usage (with thanks and appreciation to @alertbox for the source plugin 'docsify-footer')


  • Ensure the link for displayed site name is correct after scrolling to id element

[1.9.2] - 02/05/2024


  • Added CSS Markdown class for right-aligned columns column-right
  • Added CSS Markdown class for full width background gradient header image (header-image-fade-full-width)
  • Use of Docsify and Docsify Themeable preview build assets for access to upcoming Docsify accessibility enhancements authored by @jhildenbiddle (with thanks and appreciation to John)
  • Added checkbox to enable the Advanced Web Page Builder (in addition to URL parameter
  • Added example Docsify-This templates (Docsify-This Simple Visual Portfolio Template and Docsify-This Visual Portfolio Template)


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Moved zoom images option to More Page Appearance Options in Web Page Builder
  • Moved page headers font weight to More Page Appearance Options in Web Page Builder
  • Separated Coverpage color options from Dark Theme settings in Advanced Web Page Builder

[1.9.1] - 01/18/2024❄️


  • Added CSS Markdown class for taller full width header image header-tall-image-full-width
  • Added CSS Markdown class for rounded button button-rounded
  • Added CSS Markdown classes for secondary buttons button-secondary and button-secondary-rounded


  • Adjusted padding for Markdown File URL field and buttons in Web Page Builder
  • Further adjusted Docsify-This Web Page Builder primary and secondary button styles
  • Support for Website logo ('logo') in Web Page Builder
  • Adjusted display of full width header image

[1.9.0] - 01/01/2024🎉


  • Support for the docsify-tabs plugin (with thanks and appreciation to @jhildenbiddle for the plugin and thanks to @harlows for requesting this feature which made me discover it was unintentionally not already included)
  • Added CSS Markdown class reverse-columns
  • Updated Docsify-This Multiple Page Site Template
  • Added example Docsify-This template (Markdown Starter Portfolio Template)


  • Support for Wikilinks in Tables (with thanks and appreciation to @ethack for the docsify-wikilink PR)
  • Support for Wikilink images
  • Updated ReadMe
  • Improved image alignment with two column layouts
  • Improved contrast for unselected Tabs
  • Updated Docsify-This Web Page Builder button and field styles
  • Slightly adjusted Docsify-This Web Page Builder color scheme
  • Updated screenshots


  • Pass all existing URLs on multiple page sites with 'Edit this Page' links
  • Utilize revised array logic for carrying over URL params
  • Remove link color for H2 headers on Docsify-This app page

[1.8.3] - 11/27/2023


  • Use of 'aria-label' instead of 'label for' on select Web Page Builder elements to improve accessibility with screen readers
  • Updated screenshots
  • Updated ReadMe
  • Added '' to domains made responsive through the automatic addition of the CSS Markdown class video-container-16by9

[1.8.2] - 11/14/2023


  • Support for URL parameter aliases (e.g. use of camel case in additions to hyphenated names)
  • Updated ReadMe


  • Ensure custom Docsify Sidebar is present when setting site name
  • Provide expected results for true and false settings with Web Page Builder defaults
  • Add trailing slash to base Docsify URL to support running from a subdirectory

[1.8.1] - 10/31/2023🎃


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Support for Website name ('name') and pagination buttons in Web Page Builder defaults


  • Use correct full HedgeDoc URL files for 'Edit this Page' when Sidebar is present
  • Added relevant element IDs to 'label for' attributes

[1.8.0] - 10/26/2023


  • Support for display of site name in custom Docsify Sidebar
  • Support display of pagination buttons in page content area
  • Added documentation for the display of HedgeDoc files via manual Docsify-This URLs using 'download' as the homepage URL parameter (with thanks to @TaylorJadin for discovering this ability)
  • Included 'hedgedocInstances' setting in index.html (when using your own instance of for supporting HedgeDoc URLs in the Web Page Builder
  • Support for 'Edit this Page' link in Web Page Builder for HedgeDoc URLs (when using your own instance of


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Support passing of Boolean values in URL parameters
  • Automatically set Browser tab title to the value of 'name' parameter

[1.7.5] - 09/28/2023⚛️


  • Support for custom Docsify Sidebar automatic page table of contents (subMaxLevel) in Advanced Web Page Builder
  • Support for 'Edit this Page' links with raw Gist file URLs (thanks to wolflu for sharing the possibility of using Gists with Docsify-This)
  • If Docsify-This Standalone Web Page window already exists refresh it rather than open a new window


  • Updated ReadMe

[1.7.4] - 08/31/2023


  • Support for 'Edit this Page' links with Beta (web editor) via Markdown File URL field in Web Page Builder and URL parameter


  • Remove selection of file URL upon click
  • Updated ReadMe

[1.7.3] - 08/23/2023🌒


  • Initial support of Web Page Builder advanced mode (
  • Support of all options with remote passing of initial URL parameter values


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Use light/dark theme display for navpills on Docsify-This app page
  • Use light/dark theme display for topic indexes


  • Update Sidebar chevron with custom link colour
  • Remove Coloris opacity selector
  • Add missing zoom-image URL parameter passing
  • Fix handling of empty Title on Browser Tab field
  • Automatically make Edit Page link to repository root if custom Sidebar or Navbar in use

[1.7.2] - 08/15/2023


  • Added '' to domains made responsive through the automatic addition of the CSS Markdown class video-container-16by9
  • Updated ReadMe
  • Improved accessibility of app logo, Web Page Builder and documentation text
  • Improved accessibility of app logo and text of Publishing with Docsify-This Guide
  • Web Page Builder colour scheme changed
  • Support light/dark theme display for navpills
  • Minor Web Page Builder spacing and style improvements

[1.7.1] - 07/27/2023


  • Support for enabling image zoom (zoom-image=true), where tapping on images enlarges them
  • Added example Docsify-This template (Multiple Page Course Site Template)
  • Support for nav pill (navpill) Markdown CSS class
  • Support for enabling Docsify Search plugin (search=true) when using a custom Sidebar for multiple page sites


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Updated to use Coloris v0.21.0


  • Support for the use of hyphens within footnote names (and passed along to Docsify Plugin author @sy-records)
  • Restored loading of custom.css file

[1.7.0] - 06/27/2023


  • Initial support for the display of AsciiDoc files ('.adoc' extension) via manual Docsify-This URLs through DownDoc (with thanks and appreciation to @gchiesa for developing the plugin)
  • Support possible Docsify loadSidebar parameter ( to display a custom sidebar for multiple page sites
  • Support for loading a custom favicon image file (loadFavicon=favicon.png)
  • All iFrames with source domains '' or '' made responsive through the automatic addition of the CSS Markdown class video-container-16by9


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Support the use of an H1 tag as a site title when a custom sidebar is used
  • Remove unintended double thick bottom border from accordion elements
  • Updated to use Docsify v4.13.1


  • Remove unneeded javascript .map files
  • Require filename is present in Web Page Builder Markdown file URL (no longer default to

[1.6.5] - 06/09/2023


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Make filename extension handling more robust and flexible
  • Improve extension checking and related error message
  • Updated to Docsify Mermaid Plugin v2, which with Mermaid v10 which only loads Mermaid components as required when displaying remote Markdown files


  • Update all needed Coverpage elements when switching light/dark theme modes

[1.6.4] - 05/11/2023


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Refactored handling of light/dark theme mode switching
  • Refactored passing of existing URL parameters
  • Better support for linking to a single Git repository URL
  • More efficient calculation of 'Edit this Page' URLs


  • Removed extraneous character from index.html
  • Fix multiple page 'Edit this Page' link updating

[1.6.3] - 05/07/2023


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Refined responsive header line heights

[1.6.2] - 04/21/2023


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Increased support of HTML img tags with relative paths for GitHub and Codeberg Markdown files (use of '../' not supported)
  • Refined responsive header font size and line heights

[1.6.1] - 04/09/2023


  • Support optional URL parameters for key Web Page Builder defaults (url-field,toc-layout,sidebar-layout,edit-link-checkbox, and show-page-options)


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Remove extra space between icon and text label for 'Edit this Page' link
  • Use default theme colours for dark mode coverpage buttons


  • Fixed incorrect handling of dark mode color changes through updated function

[1.6.0] - 03/22/2023


  • Coloris color picker (with thanks and appreciation to @mdbassit)
  • Add Merriweather font choice


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Set font of buttons to sans-serif
  • Set font of badges to sans-serif


  • Properly format coverpage color parameter for CSS setting
  • Remove duplicated code for dark mode support
  • Remove unneeded web app page CSS
  • Relocate Sidebar CSS to hide site title

[1.5.3] - 03/13/2023


  • Adjust header colors in dark mode
  • Updated web app banner area, including use of Docsify logo

[1.5.2] - 03/10/2023


  • Support of optional header-weight parameter (header-weight) to set font weight of headers (default is 400 - regular)


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Load 700 font weight for bold (previously used 600, semi-bold)
  • Minor improvements to the appearance of the Web Page Builder
  • Do not override and GitHub Docsify-This repository link targets
  • Support for displaying a coverpage ('' file) using the URL parameter 'coverpage=true' or via the 'coverpage' setting in index.html (when using your own instance of
  • Support of optional coverpage-color parameter (coverpage-color) to set the background color of the coverpage
  • Support of optional coverpage-color-dark-mode parameter (coverpage-color-dark-mode) to set the background color of the coverpage in dark mode
  • Update example custom CSS for LMSs

[1.5.1] - 02/27/2023❄️


  • Support for Codeberg-hosted Markdown files
  • Support of optional page-title parameter (page-title) to add H1 header at top of page


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Restore initial header spacing except for alerts and blockquotes
  • Page title parameter (title) renamed to Browser tab title (browser-tab-title)


  • Support passing of false for URL parameters, in addition to removing the URL parameter to achieve the same result

[1.5.0] - 02/13/2023


  • Support for light/dark theme switching via 'dark-mode' URL parameter and setting in index.html (when using your own instance of
  • Support for images with border and rounded border (image-border,image-border-rounded)
  • Support for 75%, 50% and 25% scaled images with border (image-75-border,image-50-border and image-25-border)
  • Support of optional lineheight parameter (line-height)
  • Support for Wikilinks, as used by Obsidian (with thanks and appreciation to @zpengg for developing the plugin)
  • Support of optional page title parameter (title)
  • Add Open Sans font choice (default Sakai LMS font)


  • Consolidate and simplify example custom CSS for LMSs
  • Updated ReadMe
  • Additional checks for default blank values in Web Page Builder
  • Match Docsify-This CSS with Docsify Starter Kits CSS


  • Restore dropdown styling on Firefox

[1.4.0] - 02/01/2023



  • Added section about embedding Docsify-This pages into other platforms in ReadMe
  • Added section about example Docsify-This usage scenarios in ReadMe
  • Support word-wrap in Sidebar navigation links


  • Replaced incorrect font files for Source Sans Pro Google Font
  • Fix visible Navbar conditional logic

[1.3.3] - 01/24/2023


  • Add Lato font choice (default Canvas LMS font)
  • Added example Docsify-This template (LMS Content Pages Template)
  • Add Helvetica Neue font choice (default Moodle LMS font)


  • Adjust page margins when content is being embedded
  • Adjust margins and padding for alerts and blockquotes
  • Increase clickable areas for Topics alphabetical index
  • Moved example CSS styles to custom.css file, which is only loaded when displaying a Markdown file
  • Updated all Google Font files

[1.3.2] - 01/17/2023


  • Support for displaying a footer ('' file) using the URL parameter 'footer=true' or via the 'footer' setting in index.html (when using your own instance of


  • Included 'navbar' setting in index.html (when using your own instance of for Docsify Open Publishing Kit compatability
  • Added check for valid URL of Markdown file (files exists check does not seem possible due to CORS)
  • Updated ReadMe


  • Fixed JS source map errors

[1.3.1] - 12/15/2022


  • Support for background gradient header image (header-image-fade, with thanks to Jamie Adam for original CSS)
  • Support for full-width header image (header-image-full-width, display of Table of Contents is not available)
  • Added example Docsify-This template (Multiple Page Site Template)


  • Updated default example Markdown file for Web Page Builder
  • Updated ReadMe


  • Docsify-This page display credits no longer displayed on Docsify-This app page

[1.3.0] - 11/30/2022


  • Added Docsify Footnotes plugin (with thanks and appreciation to @sy-records for developing the plugin)
  • Added Privacy Policy Summary
  • Added maxLevel number field for Docsify sidebar to Web Page Builder
  • Added example Docsify-This templates (One Page Course Template and One Page Article Template)


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Increased use of locally loaded resources (100% tracker-free when displaying standard Markdown files)
  • Conditionally load
  • Moved all Docsify-This default theming CSS from custom.css to theme.css
  • Fully support the Docsify configuration settings of 'maxLevel' for Docsify sidebar
  • Changed default page Table of Contents to just H2 headers
  • Changed default maxLevels for Docsify Sidebar to 2


  • Moved script for URL field auto-focusing to ensure DOM is fully loaded
  • Properly pass hypothesis URL parameter for multiple page Markdown files
  • Fixed use of a custom Docsify Navbar with GitHub repository link

[1.2.2] - 11/21/2022


  • Support for page annotation with, an open source web annotation tool


  • Add ability to show all page options with remote passing of initial URL value
  • Included H5P script for improved responsive sizing of embedded H5P content
  • Set font of buttons to sans-serif


  • Fix unintended scrolling when URL field is auto-focused
  • Remove unneeded character replacements for font-family parameter

[1.2.1] - 11/01/2022


  • Added Mermaid diagrams and Katex plugins (with thanks and appreciation to @Leward and @upupming for developing the respective Docsify Plugins)


  • Support basic display options with remote passing of initial URL value (e.g.


  • Set missing EditCheck option for Restore all Defaults button
  • Use correct ID for selecting URL field after displaying empty field error message

[1.2.0] - 10/29/2022


  • Added visual previews for page layout
  • Added color preview area next to link color input field
  • Support remote passing of initial URL value for Docsify-This Web Page Builder as parameter (e.g.


  • Refactor handling of fontfamily, fontsize and linkcolor parameters
  • Refactor reset of Web Page Builder defaults
  • Move check for Return Key with Web Page Builder
  • Miscellaneous script cleanup
  • CSS cleanup
  • Error checking for invalid hexadecimal codes (incl. hide/show color preview)
  • Updated to use Docsify v4.13 (removed deprecated emoji plugin)
  • Leverage Docsify page-to-page cache if no dynamic URL parameters (i.e. edit-link)

[1.1.2] - 10/03/2022


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Support of optional edit-link-text parameter (edit-link-text)


  • Improved check for invalid full path to Markdown file
  • Fixed handling of possible '#' character in link color field

[1.1.1] - 09/22/2022


  • Support of optional toc-headings parameter (toc-headings)


  • Updated ReadMe

[1.1.0] - 09/20/2022


  • Added additional URL customization options to URL Builder


  • Removed default ToC title and adjusted layout
  • Support for scrolling of Table of Contents
  • Updated ReadMe


  • Properly handle spaces and commas when passing font-family URL parameter
  • Decode passed URLs to handle possible encoded parameters

[1.0.0] - 09/01/2022


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Loading min.js versions of resources
  • Improved user interface of URL Builder
  • Initial support for alternative ToC CSS (toc-alt)
  • Support for display of standard Docsify Sidebar
  • Changed from static Docsify URL to dynamic (i.e. current URL)
  • Restored CDN loading of scripts
  • Added support to retrieve values of URL parms (i.e. "Edit this Page" link)
  • Remove any possible front matter with the delimiters '---'
  • Restored Google Analytics, only loaded for local pages
  • Support of optional font-family parameter (font-family)
  • Changed header image and updated visual styling of URL Builder
  • Support for multiple page Markdown file sites on GitHub
  • Check for use of GitHub for remote Docsify "Edit this Page" links
  • Support of optional hideCredits parameter (hide-credits)
  • Reposition 'Edit this Page' link to bottom of pages
  • Renamed 'toc-alt' URL parameter to 'toc-narrow'
  • Renamed 'editThisPageLink' URL parameter to 'edit-link'
  • Support of optional link-color parameter (link-color)
  • Support of optional edit-link-top parameter (edit-link-top)
  • Support possible Docsify loadNavbar parameter (


  • Added missing JS source maps
  • Scoped front matter check to only be at start of file
  • Fixed embedded code blocks overflow issues
  • Initial fix for setting '_top' as external link targets



  • Welcome to the public preview of Docsify-This!