- extend documentation
- write report on problems with gantry model
- generate import dependency graph
- update and check dependencies
- implement 6D tracking
- implement emittance measurement feature
- use DoubleSpinBox stepType = AdaptiveDecimalStepType (not too useful)
- option to save all log items
- simplify destroy/remove mechanisms
- strength mode: click on elements -> change strength
- let backend provide control for selecting MEFI -> textedit pattern
startwerte für temp variablen in assign
autodetect steerer usability for X/Y based on sectormap / ORM? -> unnecessary at least put out a warning?
fit transfermap, show chisq/likelihood
unify orbit corrector widgets
unify orbit corrector with beam diagnostic dialog SAME PROCEDURE
KnobSelectWidget OpticsTableWidget Form:
- Filter knob name
- import from file "open"/"save"
- import from focus "1,2,3,4" "read"
- use deltas "0.1, -0.2
- used shots
- ignored shots
- running export
- export dir
- dataseries [time, knobs…]
- dataseries [time, monitor…]
requires NewValueCallback + MEFI changed notification for useful operation
button "procedure" -> popup dialog
- none
- multi grid
- multi optics
- measure ORM directly
- manual
button "readouts" -> popup dialog
choose mode via:
Orbit response: "[Show]"
- numerical orbit response
- sectormap
"Backtrack" / "Estimate model orbit":
no shot (use current model)
single shot (multi grid)
multi shot (multiple optics):
- manual
- auto
initialization step: - lstsq(tm) backtrack
unify API: take 3 tables (as with MAD-X):
model modelled orbits x,y,betx,bety,mux,muy at monitors/steerers
measured measured orbits x,y at monitors
target desired orbits x,y at monitors
- -> is the first parameter enough to fit all the methods? I guess not
the dynamic ones…
fit methods:
match (expensive)
kicks = lstsq(orm, dy)
- orm=numerical (expensive)
- orm=analytical (uncoupled) sqrt(β₀β₁)·sin(2π|μ₁-μ₀|)
- orm=sectormap (inaccurate)
multigrid dialog:
- improve behaviour of undo mechanism: never add duplicate entries?
- weights for constraints?
fix dispersion
fix 4D
sanitize + unify different procbot widgets, esp. offcal…
simplify multi_grid/optic_variation / mor_dialog (!!!)…
use procbot in online.offcal
join these into the same dialog?
multi grid method:
- allow hiding readoutsView
- disabling backtracking
optic variation -> two dialogs
- monitor dialog -> need "record" function and remove/enable individual records on demand. records should store sectormaps and knob values
- matching dialog (as with multi grid dialog)
emittance dialog:
- clear distinction x / y / xy
- multiple optics
simplify export file formats, IDEAS:
- pro: less clutter
- con: "opaque", always need hdf5 library to access files need dedicated loadfile dialog to access data subgroups
directory structure with several files alongside each other
- .str optics
- .txt/.npy array data
- .yml metadata
- .tfs monitor snapshots / model exports
- (some metadata)
- pro: simple, maximum compatibility
- con: cluttered, non-coherent data
safeguard against parsing errors, log error
export .tfs
export all / import all
export beam/twiss as .madx files
export sequence
export/save model
use tablib, e.g. https://github.com/kennethreitz/tablib ?
reverse sequence
unify import/export mechanism for globals in menu vs GlobalsEdit
-> add import from .str in GlobalsEdit
state based or transition based (revisions vs UndoCommand) -> full model snapshot each time
unify all Model._update_XXX methods to allow merging multiple undo commands
remove intimate knowledge about Model invalidation from undo stack! (see undostack.rollback -> model._twiss/invalidate)
elevate undostack onto a strictly higher level than model itself
"pure" model, i.e.: (globals, elements, beam, twiss_args)
manage model separately from MAD-X
- pass Boxed(state) to Model
- Model subscribes to state.changed
pro: decouple model from undostack
can we automatically pick up on changes in MAD-X?
- mainwindow: undo/redo/qundoview
- procedure/match: rollback/macro
- introduce a new madgui.collections.Dict type (similar to List)?
- makes add_curve/del_curve trivial
- check whether this could be be useful in other places
- design criteria for scene graph:
- uniform mechanism to enable/disable nodes (at least nice-to-have)
- invalidate individual parts of the graph without redrawing everything (should check at some point whether this actually makes sense)
- named nodes (externally or internally)
- consistent mapping between data and node
- show the correct quantity on X
- from 3 plots onward, use shared plot by default?
- fix unit for K1 in context of kick
- easier plot customization
- multiple curves in same figure
- add curvemanager to session?
- simplify creating plots for user
- simplify/document defining custom plots in config, i.e. curve names etc
- plot API in python shell
- replace matplotlib by pyqtgraph?
- configure "show element indicators" via model/config + toolbutton
- fix "shared plot" when showing monitors: different shapes/colors for X/Y
- encapsulate the envx/envy/etc transformations in model fetch/match
- plotting differences between revisions, closes #17
- no (or only a single) label for monitor readouts
- add "frozen" mode to plot widgets (unsubscribe from Model.updated)
- curves: export
manage list of errors in model
add "errors" section to model file
add "load errors" to gui
add "load errors" for TestACS stub
install errors using expressions:
XXX__eff = XXX * (1 + XXX__drel) + XXX__dabs
knobs: XXX = knob name attrs: XXX = "elem.attr" ??
improve ealign handling (
eoption, add=false
!)compacter notation efcomp notation
- dispatch events in later mainloop iteration
- global event registry / manager? (similar to pydispatcher)
- weakref to func.__self__
- rename boxed -> maybe/Var/Observable/Subject/BehaviourSubject?
- add .map/.as_attr/.unbox method add .bind method?
- note: RxPy's BehaviourSubject is close to what we want…
solution for cleaner config lookup?:
- lookup config via window -> parent (?!)
- connect to config.number.changed when shown, disconnect on hide
- rework config… simply nested attrdict?
- simplify model loading
- simplify model.twiss() , should be able to pass twiss_args
- proper range support
- save pandas dataframes instead of cpymad.Table?
- undo: CALLing files by diffing both elements/variables/beam
- simplify matcher…, do we really need all that start/stop fuzz?
- rename madgui.model to madgui.phys?
- move emittance maths here
- rename orm module to orbit_response
- saving model
- automatically use last twiss on load (do not recompute)
- -> can mostly discard model files?
- menu item "use MAD-X twiss parameters (i.e. normal coordinates)"
- implement twiss column transformations (envx,gamx,…) in terms of TwissData wrapper, both hence and forth, i.e. do_get_twiss_column/get_elem_twiss and MatchTransform
- obtain individual rows from twiss table
- make use of new cpymad element/beam types:
- use base_type to determine default values
- use inform to determine whether attribute was user-defined
- update only if there is an actual diff:
- tableview -> model
- model -> tableview
- model crash -> restart MAD-X and replay session using undostack (??)
- no, its probably better to have a collective attribute/knob/beam value based model
- turn showTwiss->destroyed into a regular method
- simplify singlewindow! (ivar + Dialog?)
- move MainWindow.createControls logwindow stuff to LogWindow
no special binding for getter/setters (partial idx value)
rename data -> value
remove i, c from getter/setter signature (make index part of the data model in those places where it is needed?)
remove TableItem.get_row
set datatype explicitly for most items
provide special FloatItem/StringItem/etc that set delegate accordingly
simplify TreeNode.invalidate
more fine-grained TableModel._refresh (revert f6ecac30 "Always reset model to force index invalidation")
no separate row-nodes?
in TableModel.setData: invalidate properly
- don't trigger column recalculation when the TreeView size changes due to column resizing
- keep user resized columns
- customize settings via UI (wireframe etc)
- export to 3D model
- fix handling for
- extend knowledge about knobs:
- dependent variables/elements
- recursive expressions
improve unit handling with TableView…, should be easy/builtin to switch between different display modes for units:
- inline (QuantityDelegate)
- unit column
- in gray in name/parameter column
- hidden
- column title (?)
- get rid of QuantityValue / QuantityDelegate / QuantitySpinBox ???
-> probably not for now, but should be simplified
- add
flag to TreeView, default=True - make "Summary" tab expandable, but auto_expand=False
- SBEND: kick -> k0
- show the "(expression)" as first child
- don't autoexpand below expression
- warn when overriding an attribute/expression by a value
toolbar/...?: - update (refetch) [makes config.number.changed subscription less important] - use scientific / normal notation - auto-expand - show as list / table [for matrix tables] - show expressions
- merge ParamInfo structs
- enum dropdown for selecting ui_unit
- save unit/ui_unit for all parameters into session file
- spin box: input values while updating view (disable update?)
- keyboard editor control
- element info box: DVM tab
- associated dvm parameters
- letzter gitter messwert
Priority: medium
- improve defaults element/constraint/variable when adding constraints/variables
Add/implement the following features:
- (+) global constraints
- summary table (chisq...?)
- (-) filter duplicate constraints
- (-) constraint ranges
- (-) method: lmdif / ?
Priority: low
We could make use of the new async/await
syntax in python 3.7 to write
sequential code for asynchronous operations. For an example how to do it, see
- coromin
- threading/async for loading elements / long running tasks
- use beamoptikdll in background thread?
- -> i believe it must be called in the main thread
monitor errors
fast mode with sectormap -> quadratic map for more accurate predictions?
minimize several independent recordings simultaneously
simplify model.errors module, integrate into Model?
integrate ORM plot in madgui itself
allow to plot sectormap components, and sigma components
make use of twissfigure:
- element markers
- status bar info
- click on element -> select for plot
- click on element -> show info box?
- click on element -> show error box
parallelize - ORM computation - jacobian
add code to check effectiveness of different errors for generating ORM deviations
different orbit correction matching algorithms ORM + SVD (etc…): http://uspas.fnal.gov/materials/05UCB/2_OrbitCorrection.pdf
- live query element parameters
- slice of Elements
cpymad NG (3.0?) ideas - implement all logic in cython - refactor class Madx to module - make Madx a pure rpyc wrapper - use rpyc for simple proxying? - integrate model again
- new repo libmadx that builds madx as static/shared library:
- conda-package for windows
- manylinux for linux (I'd rather NOT use conda for linux since I don't expect the build would be as compatible as manylinux)
- upload to pypi
- use the libmadx package for building cpymad
- add build scripts for linking MAD-X dynamically:
- deploy libmadx.dll
- create libmadx.lib import library
- set zip_safe=False in setup.py
- handle validity of SD values individually (-> H/V-monitor)
- fix sbend lengths (have sub mm deviations)
- halbwertsbreiten -> RMS breiten
- hit_acs.stub: UI to sync beam/twiss_args