Download the zip for the latest release from the 'releases' tab, then extract it on your usb. Once you do that, it is recommended for you to add a shortcut to the program on your flash drive so that the client can locate the app easier. The final neccesary thing to do is The app will probably be blocked so you may have to transfer it to a directory on the client's computer that apps can run (see this for bypassing applocker). This process will be autonomized in the future via an HTA, which can be run, even with AppLocker turned on. For the client app to be able to detect your usb, create a text file named the value of USB_DETECTOR_NAME in (default is "usbDetect.txt")
Download the zip for the latest release from the 'releases' tab, then extract it to a directory where you are allowed to run apps, (see this). Run jApps.exe and install whatever.
To add your own apps, modify the apps.json file to add your own apps. The apps.json file gives the parameters for the constructors in the Item class. There are already several examples in the file so look at that for help also. You can also modify other important things you may want to change is in the appConfig class such as the install directory and such.
Compile your program and create a jar file with your IDE, then use a program like packr or launch4j to create the exe (note: launch4j is easier to use, see this for how to use launch4j and this for including the jre in your exe for launch4j) Other jvm packagers will be a similar process but in this example, I'll be using packr.
Create a JSON named config.json and put it whereever. Unless you've made massive changes, you shouldn't have to change much
"platform": "windows64",
"jdk": "C:/Program Files/Java/YOUR_JDK_VERSION!!!!",
"executable": "jApps",
"classpath": [
"mainclass": "components.jApps",
"vmargs": [
"minimizejre": "hard",
"output": "jApps"
Now run this cmd script in the same directory
java -jar packr-all-4.0.0.jar config.json
You now have your exe! You may want to create/download a miniature jre and replace the current one in the folder since your app is likely 200 MB+