Spring Boot Annotations That You Must Know
@SpringBootApplication - Combines @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan.
@EnableAutoConfiguration - Automatically configures the Spring application based on the classpath and other beans.
@SpringBootConfiguration - Indicates that a class provides Spring Boot-specific configurations.
@ComponentScan - Specifies the packages that the Spring framework should scan for components, configurations, and services.
@RestController, @Controller - Annotations for web controllers, with @RestController combining @Controller and @ResponseBody.
@RequestMapping, @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping, @DeleteMapping, @PatchMapping - Maps web requests to Spring controller methods.
@ResponseBody - Indicates that the return type should be written straight to the HTTP response body.
@PathVariable, @RequestParam - Bind method parameters to URL variables and request parameters respectively.
@CrossOrigin - Enables cross-origin requests for specific handler classes or handler methods.
@Component, @Service, @Repository - Indicate that a class is a Spring-managed component, service, or repository.
@Autowired - Marks a constructor, field, setter method, or config method for autowiring.
@Qualifier - Designates which bean to autowire when there is more than one candidate.
@Primary - Indicates that a bean should be given preference when autowiring if multiple candidates exist.
@Bean - Indicates that a method produces a bean to be managed by the Spring container.
@Value - Injects values into configuration parameters.
@ConfigurationProperties - Binds and validates external configurations to a configuration object.
@PropertySource - Specifies a location of properties to be added to Spring's environment.
@Profile - Indicates that a component is eligible for registration when certain profiles are active.
@Conditional - Conditionally include or exclude parts of configuration based on certain conditions.
@Scheduled - Marks a method to be run at periodic intervals.
@SpringBootTest, @DataJpaTest, @WebMvcTest, @JsonTest, @WebFluxTest - Used for different types of tests in Spring Boot, from integration testing to specific layers testing.