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Technology demonstrator for joining FIT and IGC files for the new french "CFD Marche et Vol" developed by High Can Fly parapente for FFVL


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Technology demonstrator for joining GPX, FIT and IGC files for the new french "CFD Marche et Vol". This project is maintained by High Can Fly | Club de parapente du Nord. If you want to help us, your help is welcomed. If you want to take your paraglider license with us take a tour on our website, there is a link for getting it.


This is a pre-alpha version sort of a technology demonstrator.

Today it is only tested with FIT files coming from a Garmin® Fēnix 6x Pro, Garmin® Fēnix 5s or Garmin® Fēnix 3 and IGC files coming from SkyBean® SkyDrop variometer and GPX exported from Strava®.

Currently if an interval overlap another the join is not processed.


Provided "as is" under MIT license.

 * IGC Parser is adapted from Tobias Bieniek's project (MIT license)
 * FIT Parser is adapted from Dimitrios Kanellopoulos's project (MIT license)
 * GPX Parser is adapted from Lucas Trebouet's project (MIT license)

Test and basic help the app the same app with the help slider open

Integration in Vue3 project

High Can Fly website integrates this project in an integrated card
see code in github
TrackJoinerComponent.vue is a symlink to CFDTrackJoiner/src/views/TrackJoinerView.vue

Deploy on Clouflare Pages

After forking this repository, you can deploy it on Cloudflare Pages

Build command: npm run build
Build output directory: /dist
Root directory: /

Vue.js v3

  • Vue.js v3 code is available at the root
  • This project is built as a vuejs v3 template. See implentation in /src/views/TrackJoinerView.vue

Legacy sample usage

  • Legacy code is still available

  • First, you must include the required JavaScript library (jQuery) you can host them on your website or link them directly from some cdn:

    <script src=''></script>
  • you also need these local sources (minified):

    <script src=""></script>

    if you need the source files:

    <script src=""></script>
  • Second, place the two buttons for flies and for hikes and the button for the result:

    <input id="filesFly" type='file' accept='.igc,.fit,.gpx' onchange='openFile(event, trackTypes.FLY, insertDBCallback)' multiple disabled/> 
    <input id="filesHike" type='file' accept='.igc,.fit,.gpx' onchange='openFile(event,trackTypes.HIKE, insertDBCallback)' multiple disabled/>
    <input id="joinBtn" type='button' onclick='getDBasIGCString()' value="Join" disabled/>

    The openFile function will be the entry point of the process. Function insertDBCallback is the call back function called when parsing and DB insert are finished. In a minimal void process an empty function will be sufficient but something more complex will be probably necessary. For example in the provided index.hml page the call back is used for filling an html table with the current content of the DB and enabling a button for retrieving the result

    var insertDBCallback = function(){
      showHTMLTable("#parsedTable");      // Look at index.html for seeing showHTMLTable
  • Third, init everything In the provided example the initialization is very simple

      initDB();                                   // Needed for preparing the database
     $(window).on('load', function() {            // Be sure to wait for all the libraries to be loaded before allowing parsing
        $('#filesFly').removeAttr('disabled');    // now the load event was fired so the buttons can be enabled
  • Finally, get the result!

    var getDBasIGCString = function(){
      getDBFixesRowsAsPromise().then((rows) => {
                      var igcString = igcProducer(rows);
                      // the IGC file is now in igcString variable
                      // use it as you want
                      // a more complex example is in index.html
                    }).catch((error) => {
  • If you want to upload the string as a pseudo file this is a sample fuction for doing that


    Note that on the demo page call is


    so the content of the "igcResult" html pre tag is sent to the upload.php page. The demo is not working on GitHub pages because there is no server side processor but on my own server it works 😉.

    these function can be something like:

    var simpleStringUploadAsFile = function (uploadURL, fileFormFieldName, fileName, data,name,password)
      var fd = new FormData();                            //works on all modern browsers
      var file = new Blob([data], {type: 'plain/text'});
      fd.append(fileFormFieldName, file, fileName);       //this is the <input type='file' name='file'/>
      fd.append('name',name);                             //<input type='text' name='name' />
      fd.append('password',password);                     //<input type='password' name='password' />
      //... fd.append('field_name','value');
        url: uploadURL,
        method: 'post',
        data: fd,
        processData: false,
        contentType: false ,
        success: function(response){$("html").html(response);}  // this is for replacing the content of the page with the POST result

API documentation


Technology demonstrator for joining FIT and IGC files for the new french "CFD Marche et Vol" developed by High Can Fly parapente for FFVL








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