listmonk is a standalone, self-hosted, newsletter and mailing list manager. It is fast, feature-rich, and packed into a single binary. It uses a PostgreSQL (⩾ 12) database as its data store.
Visit for more info. Check out the live demo.
The latest image is available on DockerHub at listmonk/listmonk:latest
. Use the sample docker-compose.yml to run manually or use the helper script.
For building the HCFDocker image run:
make hcf-docker
For running create a config.toml file and issue:
make run-hcf-docker
For using a private CA certificate declare an environment variable CA_CERTIFICATE.
It must be a single line variable, replace all newline with a |
The image expose a ssh port on 3022, it only supports ssh-key login, for supplying yours add a SSH_PUBKEY environment variable with your public key
For a complete running system see hcf/
you need to declare
DKIM_PRIVATE_KEY="-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----|MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSj……………BuoTsIHpowYjVbps4=|-----END PRIVATE KEY-----" #(optional a valid DKIM private key with | in place of CR
DKIM_SELECTOR=yourselector #(optional DKIM selector)
POSTGRES_DB=listmonk #mandatory (the name of the DB)
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=apassword #mandatory (the password of the DB)
POSTGRES_USER=auser #mandatory (the user of the DB)
LISTMONK_USER=listmonk #optional default to listmonk
LISTMONK_PASSWORD=averysecurepassword #mandatory (the admin password)
OKETO_NS=yournamespace #mandatory (the K8S namespace) #mandatory (the fqdn for the admin UI -ingress)
SSH_PUBKEY="ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBLIHfyW0g6kUxa4hn1fWzrIY/98HVWEymk8liFRadW2bCknHdLyNnzYGOQvcHlg+mLhFhSJwiA5DaHAEwwHbRQE= key@hcfmailer" #(optional a valid ssh pubkey - will be filled as authorized key)
CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY="the-zone-id" #mandatory
CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_ID="your-api-key-with-dns-rights" #mandatory
CLOUDFLARE_DNS_RECORDS=", smtpd2.example.ord" #Mandatory
POSTFIX_HOSTNAME="" #Recommended
for deploying on a Kubernetes cluster see hcf/okteto/
mkdir listmonk-demo && cd listmonk-demo
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
DO NOT use this demo setup in production.
mkdir listmonk && cd listmonk
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Visit http://localhost:9000
NOTE: Always examine the contents of shell scripts before executing them.
See installation docs.
- Download the latest release and extract the listmonk binary.
./listmonk --new-config
to generate config.toml. Then, edit the file../listmonk --install
to setup the Postgres DB (or--upgrade
to upgrade an existing DB. Upgrades are idempotent and running them multiple times have no side effects).- Run
and visithttp://localhost:9000
See installation docs.
listmonk is a free and open source software licensed under AGPLv3. If you are interested in contributing, refer to the developer setup. The backend is written in Go and the frontend is Vue with Buefy for UI.
listmonk is licensed under the AGPL v3 license.