In this project, we use the Macro-based Reinforcement Learning algorithm to challenge the Street Fighter 3 game. We combine the important reinforcement learning algorithms such as PPO, A2C, NoisyNet, etc., and have achieved good results, reach level 7 of the game(difficulty = 7 = Highest Difficulty).
- PyTorch==1.5
- MAMEToolkit==1.1.0
- gym
- tensorboard
- numpy
- xvfb
- ffmpeg
pip install MAMEToolkit==1.1.0
sudo apt-get install xvfb ffmpeg
We start 16 processes at the same time to obtain game data, and then use a 8-layer convolutional network and GRU learning strategy.
Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x16 +extension RANDR &
tensorboard --logdir log --host
When testing the code, the program will automatically record the game and output to env1.mp4
Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x16 +extension RANDR &
- Baseline = PPO + A2C + NosiyNet
- Ours = Baseline + Macro + Weighted PPO