This application is developed just for learning and educational purpose only.
*Note:- Don't use it for any illegal purpose.
python-nmap package
Nmap to be installed on system
python -h
usage: SSH Dictionary Based Attack [-h] host user passwordFile
positional arguments:
host Host IP address for the SSH server
user Username for the SSH connection
passwordFile Password file to be used as the dictionary
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
To get the help menu
python testuser password_file.txt
It will first check if the SSH port 22
is open using Nmap
and if it is open then it will try to enter into SSH terminal
using the username
provide and with all the combination of password
from the password file
If you have any idea you want to implement or think that there is a better way to implement any part of the code please create a fork and I will do my best to merge appropriately. Thank you.
Hope you will like the application.