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CCNP device plugin

The CCNP device plugin is based on Kubernetes plugin framework to expose host's TEE devices and other required resources to PODs. This will enable the services in the PODs to be able to communicate to the device for quote, measurements etc. And will also facilitate other CCNP requirements like mount certain directories to CCNP service PODs and workload PODs.


Currently, the CCNP device plugin has following capabilities:

  • expose tdx guest device node in TDVM to PODs
  • mount Unix Domain Socket dir /run/ccnp/uds into CCNP daemonset PODs and workload PODs to enable intra-node communication

The CCNP device plugin will respond to following resource request defined in POD definition yaml:

      limits: 1    



The CCNP device plugin need to deploy on VM nodes with guest TEE devices(currently only TDX guest device is supported). So the deployment of the plugin daemonset is based on the node label set by Node Feature Discovery. So we need to install the NFD and corresponding label rules.

  1. Setup following udev rule to enable other user in the node to read or write to tdx guest device node
  • Check TDX device node

    $ ls /dev/tdx*
  • If the device node is /dev/tdx-guest, add below content in file /etc/udev/rules.d/90-tdx.rules

  • If the device node is /dev/tdx_guest, add below content in file /etc/udev/rules.d/90-tdx.rules

  • After adding the rule, you can restart the node or run following command to trigger the update:

    $ sudo udevadm trigger
  1. Prepare the shared Unix Domain Socket directory to be mounted to both ccnp service pods and workload pods

    $ sudo mkdir -p /run/ccnp/uds
    $ sudo chmod 0757 /run/ccnp/uds
    # Add below content in file /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/ccnp.conf:
    D /run/ccnp/uds 0757 - - -
  2. Deploy NFD

    From NFD v0.14 release on, it supports Intel TDX guest detection. Please use NFD v0.14.0 and later releases.

    $ kubectl apply -k
  3. Deploy NFD label rules

    $ kubectl apply -f device-plugin/ccnp-device-plugin/deploy/node-feature-rules.yaml

    After deployment, following label can be found in the VM node:

    $ kubectl get node -o json | jq .items[].metadata.labels | grep tdx-guest
      "": "enabled",

    Above label can be used as node selector by CCNP device plugin daemonset and CCNP services daemonset.

Build docker image

The Dockerfile for the service can be found under container/ccnp-device-plugin directory. Use the following command to build the image under confidential-cloud-native-primitives directory:

$ docker build -t ccnp-device-plugin:<your image tag> -f container/ccnp-device-plugin/Dockerfile .

Note: if you are using containerd as the default runtime for kubernetes, don't forget to use the following commands to import the image into containerd first:

$ docker save -o ccnp-device-plugin.tar ccnp-device-plugin:<your image tag>
$ ctr image import ccnp-device-plugin.tar

Deploy as DaemonSet

Use below helm command to deploy:

Note: you may need to edit settings in helm value.yaml according to you cluster status.

$ cd device-plugin/ccnp-device-plugin/
$ helm install ccnp-device-plugin deploy/helm/ccnp-device-plugin

After the deployment, for TDVM node, you can see below resource info:

kubectl describe node 
  cpu:                      8
  memory:                   7687708Ki
  pods:                     110  110
  cpu:                      8
  memory:                   7585308Ki
  pods:                     110  110
Allocated resources:
  (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., over committed.)
  Resource                 Requests     Limits
  --------                 --------     ------
  cpu                      1250m (15%)  600m (7%)
  memory                   510Mi (6%)   690Mi (9%)
...  0            0


User can deploy a CCNP quote service with tdx-guest resource request in the DaemonSet definition yaml:


And after the quote server POD is started, following resource and directory can be found in the container of the POD:

$ ls -l /dev/tdx*
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 10, 126 Jul 12 04:58 /dev/tdx_guest

$ ls -l /run/ccnp/uds
total 0
srwxr-xr-x 1 ccnp ccnp 0 Jul 12 04:58 quote-server.sock