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Docker Compose Deployment

The CCNP can be deployed in the confidential VMs using docker compose. In this document, it will use Intel TDX guest(TD) as an example of CVM and deploy CCNP on the TD using docker compose.

Deployment diagram


For deploying the CCNP in the TDX environment, the measurement dependencies should be installed on the host and the guest. This section only emphasizes some key points briefly. If you never use the TDX measurement before, please refer to the section Measurement & Attesation in the White Paper to setup it.

Host Side

The host should enable TDX, and setup service PCCS & service QGS which help generate TDX quote in the guest.

Guest Side

The TDX device in the guest has different names in certain versions

  • /dev/tdx-attest: the very early name, the version is not supported.
  • /dev/tdx-guest or /dev/tdx_guest: the name for newer version, it is supported.

To enable the containers read and write the TDX device, change the access privilege of the TDX device.

$ chmod 0666 $(find /dev/ -name "tdx*")

This tool will generate files to create some docker composes which are place in /tmp/docker_ccnp. Please make sure the directory clear.

For convenience, run the script directly as root.

$ sudo ./

Deploy CCNP

Deploy CCNP Services

Use the script to deploy the CCNP services.

$ ./

By default, the script will launch three containerized services.

  • eventlog server: from image ccnp-eventlog-server:latest
  • measurement server: from image ccnp-measurement-server:latest
  • quote server: from image quote-server:latest

Please make sure these container images exist on the guest. If you want to build the images in local, read the

This script has some options.

Usage: $(basename "$0") [OPTION]...
    -r <registry prefix>    the prefix string for registry
    -g <tag>                container image tag
    -h                      show help info

Specify the registry and tag if necessary.

Typically, some successful message will log as below.

INFO: Cache Dir Being Created: /tmp/docker_ccnp
SUCCESS: Cache Dir Created: /tmp/docker_ccnp
INFO: Compose /tmp/docker_ccnp/composes/eventlog-compose.yaml Being Deployed
[+] Running 3/3
 ✔ Network eventlog-server-ctr_default                   Created           0.1s
 ✔ Container eventlog-server-ctr-init-eventlog-server-1  Exited            0.2s
 ✔ Container eventlog-server-ctr-eventlog-server-1       Started           0.1s
SUCCESS: Compose /tmp/docker_ccnp/composes/eventlog-compose.yaml Deployed
INFO: Compose /tmp/docker_ccnp/composes/measurement-compose.yaml Being Deployed
[+] Running 2/2
 ✔ Network measuerment-server-ctr_default                 Created          0.1s
 ✔ Container measuerment-server-ctr-measurement-server-1  Started          0.1s
SUCCESS: Compose /tmp/docker_ccnp/composes/measurement-compose.yaml Deployed
INFO: Compose /tmp/docker_ccnp/composes/quote-compose.yaml Being Deployed
[+] Running 2/2
 ✔ Network quote-server-ctr_default           Created                      0.1s
 ✔ Container quote-server-ctr-quote-server-1  Started                      0.1s
SUCCESS: Compose /tmp/docker_ccnp/composes/quote-compose.yaml Deployed

CCNP Usage Example

The script will launch a container from image ccnp-node-measurement-example:latest and request info from above three services.

./ -d

Typically, some successful message will log as below.

INFO: Execute example Container ccnp-node-measurement-example
INFO: Example Container No Avaliable. Attempt Deploy It
[+] Running 3/3
 ✔ Network node-measurement-example-ctr_default                            Created0.1s
 ✔ Container node-measurement-example-ctr-init-node-measurement-example-1  Exited0.2s
 ✔ Container node-measurement-example-ctr-node-measurement-example-1       Started0.1s
SUCCESS: Example Container Avaliable. Compose file: /tmp/docker_ccnp/composes/ccnp-node-measurement-example.yaml
SUCCESS: Measurement Log Saved in File /tmp/docker_ccnp/measurement.log
SUCCESS: Example Container ccnp-node-measurement-example Executed
INFO: Example Container Being Deleted
[+] Running 3/3
 ✔ Container node-measurement-example-ctr-node-measurement-example-1       Removed10.4s
 ✔ Container node-measurement-example-ctr-init-node-measurement-example-1  Removed0.0s
 ✔ Network node-measurement-example-ctr_default                            Removed0.1s
SUCCESS: Example Container Deleted

The example container will launch and stop automatically, and save the measurement log in /tmp/docker_ccnp/measurement.log. The log file is similar to the sample file.

The script provides some options.

Usage: $(basename "$0") [OPTION]...
    -r <registry prefix>    the prefix string for registry
    -g <tag>                container image tag
    -d			            delete example container
    -o			            request from host
    -h                      show help info

Specify the registry and tag if necessary.

The option -o will send requests to three service for the guest directly.

The option -d indicates that stopping the example after get measurement log.

Clean Up

The script will help stop three containerized services and remove cache.


Typically, some successful message will log as below.

INFO: Compose /tmp/docker_ccnp/composes/eventlog-compose.yaml Being Down
[+] Running 3/3
 ✔ Container eventlog-server-ctr-eventlog-server-1       Removed           0.4s
 ✔ Container eventlog-server-ctr-init-eventlog-server-1  Removed           0.0s
 ✔ Network eventlog-server-ctr_default                   Removed           0.2s
SUCCESS: Compose /tmp/docker_ccnp/composes/eventlog-compose.yaml Down
INFO: Compose /tmp/docker_ccnp/composes/measurement-compose.yaml Being Down
[+] Running 2/2
 ✔ Container measuerment-server-ctr-measurement-server-1  Removed          0.4s
 ✔ Network measuerment-server-ctr_default                 Removed          0.2s
SUCCESS: Compose /tmp/docker_ccnp/composes/measurement-compose.yaml Down
INFO: Compose /tmp/docker_ccnp/composes/quote-compose.yaml Being Down
[+] Running 2/2
 ✔ Container quote-server-ctr-quote-server-1  Removed                     10.3s
 ✔ Network quote-server-ctr_default           Removed                      0.2s
SUCCESS: Compose /tmp/docker_ccnp/composes/quote-compose.yaml Down
INFO: Cache Dir Being Removed
SUCCESS: Cache Dir Removed