Example project for synchronizing documents between platforms and Couchbase with only Angular 2 and PouchDB.
This project depends on the following dependencies in order to be successful:
- Node.js 4.0+
- Angular 2 CLI
- Couchbase Sync Gateway
To develop Angular 2 applications you need the Angular CLI which is downloadable via the Node Package Manager (NPM) found in Node.js. For synchronization at least one Couchbase Sync Gateway instance must be available.
Download the project from GitHub and execute the following to download all of the Angular 2 project dependencies:
npm install
With the dependencies installed, use launch Sync Gateway with the sync-gateway-config.json configuration file found at the root of the project.
In the project's src/app/app.component.ts file, change the hostname to match that of your Sync Gateway instance.
The project can be sampled by executing:
ng serve
The above command will serve the application at http://www.localhost:4200.
Couchbase - http://www.couchbase.com
PouchDB - https://pouchdb.com
Angular 2 - https://angular.io# iMuseum