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Work allocation development environment built on K8

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Work Allocation Dev Environment

A Kubernetes environment with all the necessary services for local development using helm charts and deployed with helmfile.


Modify file /users/prod_users.yml by adding permissions to the EOF. Check with the team which permissions need to be included.

Create a pull request and assign to a reviewer from the team and get approved. Post the pull request in slack channel HMCTS Reform #devops request channel to authorise your pull request. Once it is approved a pipeline will be triggered automatically.

  • Minikube
  • kubectl
  • azure-cli After installation, check if you can access Azure, by az login in your terminal. Page will open in your browser where you are prompted to log in to Microsoft using your hmcts email account. Click and log in. On your terminal you should see a list of accounts which have got permission. You can also type az account list to get the list of accounts you are subscribed to.
  • docker
  • Helm
  • Helmfile

The above can all brew installed via brew install

Quick start

1. Create a local cluster:

Latest Tested minikube version v1.28.0

If you are using minikube version v1.15.1 or later

minikube start \
     --memory=15000 \
     --cpus=8 \
     --addons=ingress,ingress-dns \

Note: We can use these commands to set the memory and cpu for the minikube cluster. Adjust the values as is suitable for your particular machine minikube config set memory 15000 minikube config set cpus 8 minikube config set driver docker;

To view the set configuration, run minikube config view

2. Environment variables

Source the .env file in the root of the project:

source .env

Set the following environment variables on your .bash_profile or .zprofile(for M2 & M1 chip macs) and make sure the terminal can read .bash_profile


Note: the values for the above environment variables can be found on this Confluence Page. If you cannot access the page, check with one of the team members.

WA_BPMNS_DMNS_PATH = File path to the repository wa-standalone-task-bpmn WA_TASK_DMNS_BPMNS_PATH = File path to the repository wa-task-configuration-template

3. Login:

./environment login

4. Pre-pulling (Recommended but optional):

Note: this step could take a while to complete as it pull all the necessary images

./environment pull

If you get an error regarding authentication when attempting to pull the images like:

Attempting to pull HMCTS public image from
Error response from daemon: Head unauthorized: authentication required  

Then it is likely because an authentication token has expired. To fix it simply run:

docker logout

5. Build and start local WA environment:

./environment up

⚠️ You probably notice that the xui-webapp pod is not running. This is because it's waiting for the wiremock service to be up. This is a manual step for the moment. Therefore, run the following:

Note to run you must have already run the first step to run the service below

   cd scripts

6. Run service:

To run any of the service, Ingress should be enabled

1. Update /etc/hosts to route the hosts to the minikube cluster ip

Generally this step need only be done once per installation, some environments like WSL do sometimes sneakily regnerate your hosts file.

It definitely needs to have been run once before setup script above is run.

echo "$(minikube ip) ccd-shared-database ccd-shared-database-replica service-auth-provider-api ccd-user-profile-api shared-db ccd-definition-store-api idam-web-admin ccd-definition-store-api ccd-data-store-api ccd-api-gateway wiremock xui-webapp camunda-local-bpm am-role-assignment sidam-simulator local-dm-store ccd-case-document-am-api" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

$(minikube ip) should be populated automatically. If not you can replace it manually to get minikube ip, run cmd minikube ip on the terminal.

2. Verify the deployment

We can verify the deployments were successful listing all pods under our namespace

`kubectl get pods -n hmcts-local`

The output should look like below:

❯  kubectl get pods -n hmcts-local                                                                                10:57:13
NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ccd-api-gateway-7f658885b9-gjg59             1/1     Running   0          2m5s
ccd-case-management-web-7bc9987747-4fzhw     1/1     Running   0          114s
ccd-data-store-api-7678c9c4cc-z8bwf          1/1     Running   0          2m40s
ccd-definition-store-api-74b455764b-zdbgj    1/1     Running   0          3m48s
ccd-orchestrator-65ffd6747c-s9w77            1/1     Running   0          101s
ccd-shared-database-0                        1/1     Running   0          6m46s
ccd-user-profile-api-749dd8d668-4b8cd        1/1     Running   0          5m49s
fr-am-6b69cb5f95-2tlz4                       1/1     Running   0          5m25s
fr-idm-575d89f957-fb6rl                      1/1     Running   0          5m22s
idam-web-admin-957474868-l62q6               1/1     Running   0          4m34s
idam-web-public-c8cf99759-s86g4              1/1     Running   0          4m15s
service-auth-provider-api-5744c5f89b-9rtm5   1/1     Running   0          6m2s
shared-db-76d8954d5c-24t2g                   1/1     Running   0          5m28s
ccd-shared-database-replica-0                1/1     Running   0          2m
sidam-api-59b66bf4cb-d24j6                   1/1     Running   0          5m19s
wiremock-59669584fc-xcxjw                    1/1     Running   0          74s
xui-webapp-7485d8c499-htmq5                  1/1     Running   0          71s

To run any service type http://<name-of-service>

For example:


If you are using safari browser and if you see page error. Try with chrome.

Users running under WSL will find this harder as they cannot so easily see the pages from the Windows GUI.

7. To stop and teardown local WA environment:

If you need to stop and teardown run cmd

./environment down

To remove all traces

minikube stop
minikube delete


CCD message publishing to Azure Service Bus

The ccd message publishing app is a service that periodically checks the ccd database for unpublished messgaes and publishes those messages to an azure service bus topic.

If you need to enable the ccd-message-publishing add the AZURE_SERVICE_BUS_CONNECTION_STRING variable and value on your .bash_profile and resource the file before running environment up.

export AZURE_SERVICE_BUS_CONNECTION_STRING="Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=REPLACE_ME;SharedAccessKey=REPLACE_ME"

Database replication

There are now 2 containers with Postrgesql databases, one is the primary and the second is a replica. This uses logical replication and the scripts to setup that repication is in task-management-api. The replica can be connected to on Host:ccd-shared-database-replica Database: cft_task_db Port:5433, with the same wa_user. You will need to rerun the script above to add the new host name to your /etc/hosts file.

Set-up Environment using makefile

Open makefile and set PROJECT_PATH value. pwd command returns project path.

Open idea terminal run following command.

make environment-up


Work allocation development environment built on K8






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