This service will help you correct your tax position if you have been affected by reformed public service pensions introduced in 2015.
You can:
- calculate any compensation for previously paid lifetime and/or annual allowance charges
- calculate new, reduced or extra lifetime and/or annual allowance charges that you will have to pay
Calculate Public Pension Adjustment
This service uses mongodb to persist user answers.
This service is written in Scala using the Play framework, so needs at least a JRE to run.
JRE/JDK 11 is recommended.
The service also depends on mongodb.
Using service manager (sm or sm2) Use the PUBLIC_PENSION_ADJUSTMENT_ALL profile to bring up all services using the latest tagged releases
Run sm2 -s
to check what services are running
To bring up the service on the configured port 12804, use
sbt run
This service uses sbt-scoverage to provide test coverage reports.
Use the following command to run the tests with coverage and generate a report.
sbt clean coverage test it/test coverageReport
To prevent formatting failures in a GitHub pull request,
run the command sbt scalafmtAll
before pushing to the remote repository.
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.