PrivatePicDB wants to help you organize your private picture: tag them with the persons on them or scenery they were taken and let them be filtered by date1. First you will have to tag the pictures manually - the idea behind is to use machine learning algorithms later to let the tags be determined automatically.
The basis for the program is a SQLite-database (lightweight, local) with search options. Add persons to a database table and sceneries in the background to label pictures based on the location.
Use face-recognition to generate labels based on persons on the pictures:
- take the available open source tools - see e.g. the face recognition toolbox in the repository ageitgey/face_recognition - to generate "face-features"
- train a rather simple model on these features for a few pictures of your friends and family
- let the software recognize your relatives automatically: it shall ask you if it is really them once in a while and if there is a high uncertainty in the final model
- if there is somebody knew appearing on the pictures: PrivatePicDB shall ask you who it is and eihter make a knew entry as unknwon person or a name you chose
Use a pretrained neural network for object detection to recognize the scenery of the pictures.
1: If available taken directly from the image file metainformation. ↩