This is a guide on getting started working on Act. It's based on, but will include improvements over time.
Thanks to cpanminus, installing the dependencies is fairly easy:
cpanm --installdeps .
Act uses PostgreSQL for its data storage. I'll assume that you know how to set up a PostgreSQL server. After you've done this, run this following commands using your favorite shell (assuming PostgreSQL is running on localhost):
createuser act -D -R -S
createdb act -O act --encoding=UTF8
createdb actwiki -O act --encoding=UTF8
createdb acttest -O act --encoding=UTF8
bin/dbinit | psql -U act act # this will spit out some "errors"; don't worry!
bin/dbinit | psql -U act acttest
wiki-toolkit-setupdb --type postgres --name actwiki --user act
After the database has been set up, you need to copy over the various templates and static files into the current directory:
mkdir static
cp -R skel/actdocs/static/* static/
Now create a conf/act.ini
configuration file. If you're looking for a quick start (which I presume you are), you can base your configuration off of my example here:
One last thing to do before we're ready:
export ACTHOME=$(pwd)
This part's easy:
Now Act is running on port 5000!
To test a lot of the application, you'll need an account. So point your browser to the registration page:
Once you complete the registration form, you may not get an actual e-mail (depending on if your machine is set up to send mail). To continue your registration, you can dig into your Act database to find your registration token:
psql -U act act
> select token from twostep where email = 'MY_EMAIL'
Once you have the token, point your browser to this URL:
Here you can complete your registration.