Quickly create a nice looking personal blog (...at least if you have basic knowledge of nuxtjs/vuejs).
Real world example:
Mongodb: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/administration/install-on-linux/
- Redis (for session management): https://redis.io/topics/quickstart
- Posts
- Categories
- Tags
- Social sharing
- Basic sidebar widget
- Google Analytics
- XML sitemap
(todo: paging not fully implemented at the moment...will follow soon)
npm install
Copy the very simple sample.env to.env and update at least the following two params:
Maybe you would like to configure the main color. Just use one of tailwinds color scheme names: (gray, red, orange, yellow, green, teal, blue, indigo, purple, pink) or define your own scheme in the tailwind-config located under ./src/tailwind.config.js.
Then start dev server with
npm run dev
If successful, you will be provided with direct links to frontend and backend of your blog directly in the terminal window. Now add log into the admin panel (with the credentials defined in your .env file) and immediately change your password.
After adding a few posts, tags, you can enjoy your new nice looking blog.
View the nuxt components under the ./src/pages directory and update the respective vue component template accordingly. These nuxt page components are very simple.
The main index template looks as follows
<PostList v-if="posts" :posts="posts"></PostList>
<div slot="sidebar" class="w-full">
<template slot="title">Sample Widget</template>
Some content
You can see the code representing the widget whithin the sidebar slot. Just update or delete it just as you like.