The data linked to from the course website represent data collected from the accelerometers from the Samsung Galaxy S smartphone. A full description is available at the site where the data was obtained:
- -- this file
- -- codebook describing variables, the data and transformations
- run_analysis.R -- actual R code
It should run in a folder of the Samsung data (the zip had this folder: UCI HAR Dataset) The script assumes it has in it's working directory the following files and folders:
- activity_labels.txt
- features.txt
- test/
- train/
For each data set:
- read data set
- attach activity labels
- attach subject
Merge all data sets.
Rename variables of the data set.
Keep only activity, subject, "mean", "std" variables in data set.
Create a new data frame by finding the mean for each combination of subject and label.
Write data to "tidy.txt" file in the working directory