- Camunda BPM: 7.14, 7.15
- Spring Boot: 2.3.5.RELEASE, 2.3.8.RELEASE, 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4
Use default Spring security with OAuth2 and provide authenticated access to Camunda WebApps and Camunda REST.
Uses ContainerBasedAuthenticationProvider
and default Spring Security OAuth2 configuration.
Uses standard OAuth2 Authentication Token for extracting the entire Spring- and Camunda-related
user information including the OAuthIdentityServiceProvider
You need to set some environment variables to make this work, pointing to your SSO. I used Keycloak for testing.
WEBAPP_REQUIRED_ROLE=<client-role-to-access-the-webapp> # not a realm role, check application.yml
- http://localhost:8082/public/index.html will retrieve an unprotected web page, since it is on the unprotected path.
- http://localhost:8082/public/rest/info will retrieve protected information and will fail (401) if no token is provided in the request.
- http://localhost:8082/ will redirect to http://localhost:8082/app/
- http://localhost:8082/app/* will enforce the OAuth login and redirect back to the webapps (http://localhost:8082/app/welcome/).
- http://localhost:8082/rest/engine will retrieve the name of the camunda engines initialized ("default") and will fail (401) if no token is provided in the request.