Backend project that includes a custom written API connecting routes to a database using Knex.
- /movies, /movies/:movieId, /movies/:movieId/theaters, /movies/:movieId/reviews
- /reviews/:reviewId
- /theaters
- Knex
- Express
- lodash
- src/
- app.js
- server.js
- src/db/
- connection.js (migration config file)
- src/db/migrations
- contains all migration files
- src/db/seeds
- contains all seed files
- src/errors/
- asyncErrorBoundary.js (error function wrapper for async functions)
- errorHandler.js (takes in dynamic error object, outputs error, includes a default)
- methodNotAllowed.js (route handler attachment, returns error for unavailable route method)
- notFound.js (Generic 404 not found error handler)
- src/movies/
- movies.controller.js (API endpoints)
- movies.router.js (path router)
- movies.service.js (DB caller function for API endpoints)
- src/reviews
- reviews.controller.js (API endpoints)
- reviews.router.js (path router)
- reviews.service.js (DB caller function for API endpoints)
- src/theaters
- theaters.controller.js (API endpoints)
- theaters.router.js (path router)
- theaters.service.js (DB caller function for API endpoints)
- src/utils
- map-properties.js (formats object key/value pairs into desired data)
- docs/
- docs/routes/
- contains all route requirements
- docs/tables/
- contains all table requirements
- docs/routes/