- Overview/About
- General Usage, Functionality, and Technologies
- Twitch Notification Usage
- File Structure
- Backend Structure
- API Structure
- Links, Support, and Dependencies
Lightweight discord bot with moderation capability and more. Subscribes to Twitch's EventSub services to alert a Discord server when a subscription notification is received.
Invite the bot to your server here
- For a list of commands within Discord, just type "!help" in any channel where the bot can see messages.
- If you want more specific information on a single command, type "!help" followed by the command you'd like more information on. (EX: "!help help")
- Scroll down further for a quick setup guide for making use of the Twitch subscription service!
- User Moderation within a Discord server/guild
- Creating or removing a subscription to a specified Twitch broadcaster's
notification - Listing all active Twitch notification subscriptions
- Advanced console logging, published as an independent package on npm
- Discord.js, Node.js, Express.js, Axios, Knex.js, PostgreSQL, RESTful API Endpoints
- External API: Twitch
- Development Environment: DBeaver, Postman
- Other Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Discord Desktop Application
1. Set the discord channel where you would like the announcements to go, and type !announce (requires Admin privileges)
Find the Channel | Type "!announce" |
3. In any channel where the bot can see messages, type this command followed by the username found in Step 2: "!subtwitch"
4. That's it! When that streamer goes live, the bot will receive a notification, and send a message to your preset announcements channel!
Find the login name of the broadcaster/streamer (as shown above) that you would like to unsubscribe from, and type !unsubtwitch <username>
All you need to do is type !listtwitch
. It's that easy!
- bot.js (main file - also contains base API/server functions)
- .env (tokens, keys, URLs, etc. Git Ignored)
- knexfile.js (knex configuration file for database connections)
- kick.js (kick a user via command. Moderator+ only.)
- ban.js (ban a user via command. Moderator+ only.)
- timeout.js (remove a user's ability to chat for 10 min via command. Moderator+ only.)
- listTwitchSubs.js (lists all active notification subscriptions. Admin only.)
- subscribeTwitch.js (subscribes to a Twitch channel for stream notifications. Admin only.)
- unsubscribeTwitch (unsubscribes from a Twitch channel for stream notifications. Admin only.)
- help.js (help command, lists all commands in bot-commands.json intelligently)
- setAnnounceChannel.js (sets current channel where message is sent as the default "announcements" channel.)
(testing/developer commands. Git ignored)
- config.json (Stores bot prefix + some possibly deprecated URIs)
- general images for use in README
- subscriptionRouter.js (verbose, scalable router for subscribing to external services)
- twitch.router.js (handles Twitch API routes)
- twitch.controller.js (API endpoints for Twitch HTTP requests)
- twitch.service.js (creates and sends queries to the DB)
- twitchAPI.js (handles outgoing requests made to Twitch API for accessing and retrieving data and EventSub subscriptions)
- notFound.js (sends custom 404 not found to error handler)
- methodNotAllowed.js (sends custom 405 not allowed to error handler)
- errorHandler.js (all purpose error handler/wrapper. Takes in status code and message)
- asyncErrorBoundary.js (async function wrapper to handling possible errors)
- verifyAuthToken.js (validates and verifies the token/passcode for interacting with API)
- announcementExists.js (queries DB to check if an announcement channel is set for a discord guild/server)
- verifyAnnouncementResults.js (simple middleware to throw an error if announcement entry not found in DB)
- logger.js (logging/debugging class for use in console messages)
- notifyDiscord.js (notification class for sending Discord notifications, methods for notification origin)
- connection.js (establishes knex connection to database depending on dev or production environment)
- migration files (handles table creations and other types of database migrations)
- seed files (information to be stored in the database, mainly for testing)
Announcements (database table)
- guild_id
- channel_id
- created/updated_at timestamps
Subscriptions (database table)
- id (auto-generated incrementing ID)
- guild_id (foreign key)
- broadcaster_id
- created/updated_at timestamps
API Overview
└── /twitch
├── /callback
| └── POST
├── /subscriptions/:guild_id
| └── GET
| |
| |
├── /announcements/:guild_id
| └── GET
| |
├── /announcements
| └── GET
✅ I'd really appreciate it if you checked me out on Twitch, Twitter, or YouTube!
🧡 If you'd like to support the development of this and other projects, please feel free to support me on Patreon!
🏴 Live Changelog
- If you'd like to contact me regarding any issues with this bot, or just have a suggestion, please open it as an issue on the GitHub repository here.