At iOS 8.0 later, we use UIAlertController, it's not friendly, so we replace it with ACAlertController.
- iOS 7.0 or later
- Xcode 7.0 or later
- Use CocoaPods:
pod 'ACAlertController'
- Manual import:
- Drag All files in the
folder to project - Import the main file:
#import "ACAlertController.h"
- Drag All files in the
ACAlertController *action2 = [[ACAlertController alloc] initWithActionSheetTitles:self.titles cancelTitle:self.cancelTitle];
[action2 clickActionButton:^(NSInteger index) {
NSLog(@"selected item = %ld", (long)index);
[action2 show];
set action button text color with index
- (void)configureActionButtonTextColor: (UIColor *)color index: (NSInteger)index;
set action button text font with index.
- (void)configureActionButtonTextFont:(UIFont *)font index:(NSInteger)index;
- If you have any questions during the process or want more interfaces to customize,you can issues me
- If you feel slightly discomfort in use, please contact me QQ:331864805
- If you support me, please giving me star
All source code is licensed under the MIT License.