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  • Docker and Go


  • Docker Desktop
  • K9s - A Terminal UI for Kubernetes
  • remake - A better make
    • View them with remake --tasks
  • locust - A performance testing tool, required for load testing

Local Development

Build with make docker-build.

To pull a published image from ghcr

Docker images are found in

docker pull

To create a local docker image

make docker-build will create a local docker image called hny/network-agent:local.

Verify that it published to your local docker images:

$ docker images | grep network-agent
REPOSITORY           TAG       IMAGE ID        CREATED          SIZE
hny/network-agent    local     326362e52d9c    5 minutes ago    120MB

For a custom name and/or tag, pass IMG_NAME and/or IMG_TAG in the make command. For example, to get a local docker image called hny/network-agent-go:custom:

IMG_NAME=hny/network-agent-go IMG_TAG=custom make docker-build

Deploying the agent to a Kubernetes cluster

Set environment variables like HONEYCOMB_API_KEY in a file called .env. These environment variables get passed in the make command.

make apply-agent

$ make apply-agent
namespace/honeycomb created
secret/honeycomb created
daemonset.apps/hny-network-agent created

If you're on a Mac, try brew install gettext if envsubst isn't available.

Confirm that the pods are up by using k9s or with kubectl:

$ kubectl get pods --namespace=honeycomb
NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hny-network-agent-bqcvl   1/1     Running   0          94s

To remove the agent:

make unapply-agent or kubectl delete -f smoke-tests/deployment.yaml

Optionally install the "greetings" example app

There is an example greeting service written in go that can be used to see additional telemetry.

make apply-greetings or kubectl apply -f smoke-tests/greetings.yaml

Confirm the pods are up by using k9s or with kubectl:

$ kubectl get pods --namespace=greetings
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
frontend-go-6cb864498b-wrpzj   1/1     Running   0          12s
message-go-b7fcd59d4-jwrhc     1/1     Running   0          12s
name-go-5794ffd766-4qxp2       1/1     Running   0          12s
year-go-b96849dc6-xjfts        1/1     Running   0          12s

Hit the endpoint:

curl localhost:7777/greeting

Remove the "greetings" example app

make unapply-greetings or kubectl delete -f smoke-tests/greetings.yaml

Load Testing

After a locally built image and an API key is set:

make swarm

This will apply the agent, apply the echoserver, and start locust.

Navigate to in your browser and set users and spawn rate, e.g. 5000 and 100, and hit Start swarming.

To tear down the load test, ctrl+c in the terminal running and make unswarm.

See more details in smoke-tests/


Set LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG to generate debug log statements in the agent logs.

Debug Service

The agent includes an optional debug service that can be used with any tools that can collect pprof data.

The debug service is generally only used when debugging the agent itself, and will only run if the DEBUG environment variable is set to true.

DEBUG_ADDRESS is the IP and port where the debug service runs. If this value is not specified, then the debug service runs on the first open port between and



We maintain a fork of gopacket/gopacket as honeycombio/gopacket. The agent is configured to use the official gopacket repo as part of its main dependency chain and import paths. The Honeycomb fork is swapped in using a replace directive in go.mod. This allows the fork to remain cleaner, easier to manage and makes it easier to provide upstream contributions. We will not be doing releases on our fork of gopacket, and instead here will use specific commit shas from our fork.

Updating gopacket

  • Go to our fork and identify the commit sha you want to update to, which will be used in the next step.
  • Run go get<commit-sha>

The above command will fail because of a module name mismatch, but it will print the full pseudo version/commit SHA that Go found as a result of that command.

For example:

$ go get
go: parsing go.mod:
  module declares its path as:
    but was required as:

v1.1.2-0.20230914230614-82dde0361885 is the "version" we want to replace upstream with in the next step.

  • Edit go.mod to update the replace directive for gopacket's pseudo version.

For example

replace => v1.1.2-0.20230914230614-82dde0361885
  • Run go mod tidy