- The study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience
- Improve at task T
- With respect to performance measure P
- Based on experience E
- Given some data we want to figure out how to group them together.
- Given some data, we want to predict an outcome value.
- Given data, can we predict which category something belongs to.
- After training, performing the desired task (classification, regression, clustering, etc..) is based on training data samples themselves
- Training involves learning a model such that performing the desired task is done by running the data through model (which does not directly reference training data samples)
- The model we’re learning is based on blending information via parameters. These parameters must be learned during the training process.
- These algorithms/models are not defined by determining blending parameters.
- However there still may be use-specified parameters
A large part of machine learning is attempting to divide the hypothesis space, like separate it into clusters and separate it into classes.These “dividers” can be either Linear or Non-Linear.
- Examples: Car Model, School
- Ordering still matters, but there’s only so many values out there
- Examples: Blood Pressure, Height
- Unfortunately there’s no single machine learning algorithm to rule them all
- Typically we must consider the previous information in deciding which set of algorithms to train and test and then we select the best.
- Standardized data has Zero mean and Unit deviation.
- Before we start using data we typically want to standardize non-categorical features (this is sometimes referred to as normalizing them).
- Treat each feature independently
- Center it (subtract the mean from all samples)
- Make them all have the same span (divide by standard deviation)
- If we used the data as-is, then one feature may have more influence than the other.
If data sample Xi has D values associated with it (which we call features) then we can write this as and call D the dimensionality of Xi.
- Computation Cost
- Both time and space efficiency
- Statistical Cost
- Too specific? Doesn’t generalize enough?
- Too susceptible to noise?
- Visualization
- How can we look at the data to understand its structure?
- In higher dimension space we need exponentially more samples for equivalent coverage.
- Therefore if our data is in high dimensional space it will likely sparsely cover that space and instances will be far apart from one another
- Represent instances with fewer variables
- Try to preserve as much structure in the data as possible
- If there is class information, increase class separability (Discriminative)
- Need less data to cover the feature space
- Easier learning – fewer parameters to learn
- Easier visualization – hard to visualize more than 3D or 4D
- Feature selection
- Pick a subset of the original dimensions
- If there is class information, pick good class predictors (Discriminative)
- Feature construction
- Construct a new set of features from existing
- In particular we’ll look at feature projection
- Give set of features, some features are more important than others. We want to select some subset of features to be used by learning algorithms.
- Score each feature then Select set of features with best score
- Given probability of event v1, ..., vn as P(v1), ..., P(vn) we can compute entropy
- Entropy measure the randomness of the data
- Let p = #{1}, be the number of samples with label one over the entire dataset.
- Let n = #{0}, be the number of samples with label zero over the entire dataset.
- Let pi, ni, be the number samples in subset Ei.
- Define reminder with respect A with
- Class 1: {(1,1),(1,3),(2,2)}
- Class 2: {(1,2),(3,2),(2,2)}
- Projecting points onto a projection matrix
- Defines a set of principal components (basis)
- 1st: direction of the greatest variability in the data
- 2nd: perpendicular to 1st, greatest variability of what's left
- Etc... until D, the original dimensionality
- Choose the number of dimensions we want, k < D and project the original data onto the principal components.
- Each projection will result in a point on that axis, resulting in an new k-dimensional feature vector.
- Standardize data
- Compute the mean
- Compute the Standard deviation
- data = (data - mean) / std
- Find covariance matrix
- N = Number of observations
- cov = dataT data / (N-1)
- Find eigenvalues
- Find eigenvector for the largest eigenvalue
- value = largest eigenvalue
- vector = the eigenvector for given eigenvalue
- find vector, where (cov - value) * vector = 0
- Project the data
- data * vector
- Standardize data for each class
- Compute the mean for each class
- Compute scatter matrices for each class
- cov(C) = CT C / (N-1)
- 𝜎2 = (N-1) * cov(C)
- Within class scatter matrix
- SW = 𝜎12 + 𝜎22
- SW-1 = inverse of SW
- Preform eigen-decomposition
- 𝑆B = (𝜇1-𝜇2)T(𝜇1-𝜇2)
- Compute SW-1SB
- Find eigenvalues
- Find eigenvector for the only none-zero eigenvalue
- W, the eigenvector will be used to project data.
- Project the data
- class1 * W
- class2 * W
- The process of grouping a set of objects into classes of similar objects
- Items within cluster should be similar
- Observations from different clusters should be dissimilar
- Clustering is the most common form of unsupervised learning
- Hard vs Soft Clustering
- Hard clustering: Each observation belongs to exactly one cluster
- Soft clustering: An observation can belong to more than one cluster
- Assumes observations are real-valued vectors
- Each observation is associated with a single reference vector
- The initial reference vectors are often chosen at random
- At each iteration
- Each observation is reassignment to the reference vector closest to it
- A new reference vector is computed based on the observations that are associated with it
- This continues until some termination criteria is met
- Number of iterations
- Threshold on change of reference vectors.
TODO: Converges -> intra-cluster LSE won't change.
- These types of algorithms try to find a solution by alternating between two steps:
- Expectation – Here’s we predict out outcome.
- For k-means, this is assigning each instance to a cluster.
- Maximization – Here we update our model to
maximize/minimize something.
- For k-means this is moving the reference vector to the mean of the cluster in order to minimize the distance.
- Conversely we sometimes maximize the log-likelihood
- Expectation – Here’s we predict out outcome.
- Start with two random starting vectors μ1 and μ2 and compute sample standard deviations σ1 and σ2 to initialize Gaussians N1(μ1, σ1) and N2(μ2, σ2)
- Initialize probabilities of each Gaussian. We will need this for the E-Step computations. Typically this will be done uniformly unless there is prior information: where k is the number of Gaussians.
- [E-Step] For each observation compute the likelihood (expectation) of each Gaussian given the observation.
- [M-Step] Adjust N1(μ1, σ1) and N2(μ2, σ2), P(N1) and P(N2) to better fit the estimates (maximize the likelihood).
- Iterate (repeat 3-4) until convergence.
- With hierarchical agglomerative clustering we’re building a clustering binary tree
- At each iteration we have a new set of clusters
- [Top-down Approach]
- At first everything is part of a single cluster.
- Then split this into two clusters based on some criterial
- Now choose one of these two clusters, and split it into two
- Etc.. until each cluster only has one observation in it (called a singleton)
- [Bottom-Up Approach]
- At first everything is its own cluster.
- Choose two of these clusters to merge.
- From these N − 1 clusters, choose two to merge.
- Etc.. until there is only one cluster.
- Intra-Cluster Distance
- Distances between nodes in the same cluster
- Inter-Cluster Distance
- Distances between nodes between clusters
- Single link
- Complete link
- Average link
- Let Nij be the number of instances of (supervised) label j within cluster Ci
- Define the average purity of this clustering as
- Training set
- build/train system using the training data
- Testing set
- test system using the testing data
- Validation set
- for model selection
- How to do cross validation
- [S-Folds] Here we’ll divide our data up into 𝑆 parts, train on 𝑆 − 1 of them and test the remaining part. Do this 𝑆 times.
- [Leave-one-out] If our data set is really small we may want to built our system on 𝑁 − 1 samples and test on just one sample. And do this 𝑁 times (so it’s basically N-folds)
- Why cross validation
- Do not have that much data.
- Identifying (detect)
- [under-fitting] If we don’t do well on either the training or the testing set
- [over-fitting] If we do well on the training set but poorly on the testing set
- Solving
- under-fitting
- Make a more complex model (May involve need more features)
- Trying a different algorithm
- over-fitting
- Use a less complex model (May involve using less features)
- Try a different algorithm
- Get more data
- Use a third set to choose between hypothesis (called a validation set)
- Add a penalization (or regularization) term to the equations to penalize model complexity
- under-fitting
- If our trained model is very dependent on the training data set (that is it fits it very well), then there will be a large variance in the models given different training sets.
- If our model barely changes at all when it sees different training data, then we say it is biased.
- Relation
- variance and overfitting are related
- bias and underfitting are related
Predicted Positive | Predicted Negative | |
Positive Examples | True Positive | False Negative |
Negative Examples | False Positive | True Negative |
- True positive = Hit
- True negative = Correct rejection
- False positive = False Alarm (Type 1 error)
- False negative = Miss (Type 2 error)
- measure to evaluate the quality of a classifier
- Precision-Recall graph
- Impact on varying Threshold
- Plotting precision and recall as a function of the threshold creates something called a precision-recall curve (PR)
bias -> model not change variance -> model change to quick
LR - regularization term J𝜃 = 𝑌−𝑋𝜃2+𝜆𝜃𝑇𝜃 𝜆 from 0 ~ 1. 𝜆 larger -> bias