"# spider_salesforce"
- The script is based on python2, please check if you install python2 and pip before use this script
- install module requests:
pip install requests
- install module colorama:
pip install colorama
Make sure you log into the saleforce and stop in the queue you want to monitor
- click F12 to enter chrome debug mode, choose NetWork tab and clean all log in window.
- Fresh queue (Not F5)
- After fresh, you will find a item in debug window, choose it. You will find all kinds of paramter in Header tab.
- Please find 3 important parameters in headers.
Please see the picture below to know how to get cookies.
Please see the picture below to know how to get loadID(Orange circle),fwuid(Green circle) and token(Blue circle).
Queue id can be found in your link address, such as https://siliconlabs.lightning.force.com/lightning/o/Case/list?filterName=00B1M0000096zClUAI "00B1M0000096zClUAI" is the queue id.
User id can be found in your user page.
Open configuration.py and fill up the 5 paramters above.
take_list is a python array, you need to add one or several take rules to this array. The rule struct is below.
take_list =[
"queueName":"MCU", # queue name
"queueID":'00B1M000009ZmXSUA0', # queue ID that you find in above step
"take_region": 'APAC', # the region that you want to take
"take_number":['1','5'], # mantissa number of case number
"display_color":Fore.GREEN # the color for printing log
If you want to monitor multi queue, configure it as below.
take_list =[
"queueName":"ZZZ", # queue name
"queueID":'ZZZZZZZZZZZZ', # queue ID that you find in above step
"take_region": 'APAC', # the region that you want to take
"take_number":['1','5'], # mantissa number of case number
"display_color":Fore.GREEN # the color for printing log
"queueName":"XXX", # queue name
"queueID":'XXXXXXXXXXX', # queue ID that you find in above step
"take_region": 'APAC', # the region that you want to take
"take_number":['1','5'], # mantissa number of case number
"display_color":Fore.GREEN # the color for printing log
"queueName":"YYY", # queue name
"queueID":'YYYYYYYYYY', # queue ID that you find in above step
"take_region": 'APAC', # the region that you want to take
"take_number":['1','5'], # mantissa number of case number
"display_color":Fore.GREEN # the color for printing log
python start_spider
- If the spider run correctly, it will output the caputure result. If the case meet the rule in take_list, it will be assigned to you by spider.
- Spider caputre the case info every 1 minute
- We can log into salesforce without passowrd since we feed it cookies(include token and loadID) from chrome, the cookies has life cycle, about 2-3 days. That means you may need to feed them again after the cookies became invalid.
Please contact me if it can't work on your side
Welcome add more feature to the code to make it more friendly.